
  • 网络faulting;faulting of slab ends
  1. 水泥混凝土路面破坏形式主要分为断板、错台、接缝啃边等,而板间荷载传递能力差是一个不容忽视的原因。

    The main damage forms of cement concrete pavement includes broken slab , faulting of slab ends , joint damage . Poor load transfer ability between plates is a reason that not allow to ignore .

  2. 高位偏E型通风采场瓦斯涌出与运移规律研究偏压、错台小间距隧道施工位移场动态模拟分析

    Study on Gas Emission and Movement in Mining Space with Quasi E-type Ventilation System Dynamic simulation analysis of displacement field of bias closely spaced tunnel with altitude difference

  3. 盾构管片错台分析及措施

    Analysis and measures about slab staggering of duct piece on shield machine

  4. 由于楔形块构造的原因,使得在均匀的注浆压力下,管片环仍然出现平面外的位移,并造成一定的错台量。

    The out-of-plane displacement causes the dislocation of segments .

  5. 混凝土面模板接缝明显、混凝土错台;

    The coagulation soil surfaced road template joint is obvious , concrete wrong Taiwan ;

  6. 偏压、错台小间距隧道施工位移场动态模拟分析

    Dynamic simulation analysis of displacement field of bias closely spaced tunnel with altitude difference

  7. 盾构姿态控制引起管片错台及开裂问题研究

    Study of Dislocation of Duct Pieces and Crack Problems Caused by Shield Attitude Control

  8. 分段浇筑时,段与段之间不得有错台。

    When casting by section , there shall be no staggered steps between the sections .

  9. 梁横向连接病害主要表现在横隔梁不共面、横隔梁错台、横隔梁破损。

    The breakage types of crossbeam of simply supported T beam mainly embodied with three aspects , not coplanar , height difference and damaged .

  10. 基于近距无线电导航的容错组合导航系统偏压错台小净距隧道力学性态相似模型试验

    Application of Short-range Radio Navigation for Fault-tolerant Integrated Navigation System Model Test on Mechanical Behavior of Two Shallow-buried Closely-spaced Tunnels at Different Elevations Under Unsymmetrical Load

  11. 对于交通量日益增大的高速公路,可以通过增设传力杆来提高路面缩缝的传荷能力,有效地减少错台和断板现象。

    In order to improve the load transfer ability of the highway with heavy traffic , a dowel bar can be installed in the contraction joint of the rigid pavement .

  12. 采用水泥压浆技术治理水泥路面唧泥、脱空、错台等病害,可提高水泥路面的整体稳定性和使用寿命。

    The mud-jacking technique is used for preventing the distresses such as mud-pumping , void space and faulted slabs to improve the integrity of cement concrete pavement and its service life .

  13. 证明衬砌环的姿态偏差(侧超前)是引发常用平端面衬砌环隧道出现连续错台的直接原因。

    It has been shown that posture deviation ( leading of a side ) of lining rings is right the cause of continuous joint dislocation of tunnel lining with plan joint segments .

  14. 路面板底脱空是水泥混凝土路面一种常见的病害,它是造成水泥混凝土路面板断裂和错台的直接原因。

    Voids beneath the concrete slabs are one of the principal diseases of cement concrete pavements , and it is the main reason which leads the cracks and crash of concrete slabs .

  15. 采用地层-结构模型计算方法,使用非连续接触计算模型研究了施工过程中螺栓及时拧紧度、衬砌背后注浆不均匀及管片纵缝错台等对盾构管片的影响。

    Using soil-structure calculation method and discontinuous contact computational model , study the influence of shield segment by tighten degree of bolts , non-uniform grouting behind lining , and existing dislocation on longitudinal joint .

  16. 采用平面有限元数值分析方法针对小问距隧道在不同开挖顺序、错台高度、净间距、偏压角度、覆土厚度等情况下进行分析研究,探究这些条件对小间距隧道设计施工的具体影响。

    In this dissertation , the excavation sequence , altitude difference , net distance , partial pressed angle and built depth are taken into account to analyse the detailed effect to the closely spaced tunnels .

  17. 针对目前采用小模板拼装衬砌施工的隧道普遍存在错台这一问题,介绍能有效控制衬砌板间错台的施工技术和方法;

    Aiming at dislocation of forms , which is a common situation during placement of small forms in lining construction of tunnels , this paper introduces the construction technologies and methods for efficiently controlling dislocation of forms for lining .

  18. 为了有效地控制掘进方向和盾构姿态,分析盾构掘进方向偏差的原因,研究相应的控制方法,达到了防止管片裂损和控制错台的目的。

    Furthermore , in order to control the excavation direction of the shield more effectively and avoid the cracking and the dislocation of segment , the reason of direction warp is analyzed ; and some control methods are presented .

  19. 由于各种原因水泥混凝土路面不断出现开裂、断板、错台、唧泥等损坏,导致路面使用品质和效率迅速降低,严重影响道路的正常使用和行车安全。

    A variety of reasons emerging cement concrete pavement cracking , breaking boards , wrong units , mud pump and other damage , leading to the road quality and efficiency quickly lower , impacting on the traffic safe seriously .

  20. 公路长隧道二次衬砌施工中经常会出现施工冷缝、局部气泡、麻面、混凝土接缝错台等质量问题,二次衬砌施工进度滞后也是常见的现象。

    Quality problems , such as construction cold joints , local bubbles , bug holes , staggered concrete joints , often arise in the secondary lining construction of long highway tunnels , and progress delay of the secondary lin-ing construction is a common phenomenon .

  21. 当条件允许时,对于加筋土高挡墙应设计错台,以避免挡墙产生过大的变形和基底应力,影响正常使用。

    As for reinforced high retaining wall , when requisition being met , slab staggering should be planted , for fear that the deformation in retaining wall and the basal stress would be oversize , which would tamper with the retaining wall 's normal use .

  22. 偏压错台小净距隧道力学性态相似模型试验基于相对论性原理建立了二端面弹性转轴的动力学方程、对动力学方程及相似动力学方程。

    Model Test on Mechanical Behavior of Two Shallow-buried Closely-spaced Tunnels at Different Elevations Under Unsymmetrical Load A similarity dynamics equation and a relative dynamics equation of an elastic rotation shaft with twin sides based on the theory of relativity are built in this paper .

  23. 近年来,随着行车荷载的增加,早期修建的水泥混凝土路面板底脱空严重,引起水泥混凝土板断裂或错台,许多水泥混凝土路面面临大修、改造。

    The pavements constructed in early years are mainly Portland cement concrete pavements , in recent years , with the increase of traffic load and running speed , pumping area beneath the slabs increases which lead slabs crack or fault , many pavements are faced with reconstruction .