
  • 网络Sales Plan;Sales Planning;Marketing plan;Merchandising
  1. 这将导致一个合格的帐目或机会销售计划。

    This would result in a qualified account / opportunity sales plan .

  2. 我们的思绪都集中在如何完成今年的销售计划。

    Our thoughts centre on how to fulfil the sales plan this year .

  3. 文章介绍了一个基于B/S模式的小型ERP系统的设计,系统包含了库存管理、物料需求计划、销售计划、主生产计划、采购计划等核心功能模块。

    The paper introduces the design of a small ERP based on B / S mode . The system includes stock , material requirement , selling , planning , and purchasing module of ERP .

  4. 台湾出版物《电子时报》(Digitimes)上个月报道了华硕暂停双操作系统平板电脑销售计划的消息。

    The suspension of Asustek 's dual-OS tablet was reported last month by the Taiwan-based publication Digitimes .

  5. 浙江林业大学机械工程学院大四的学生FANGPeiku为一家出售清洁建筑物的机器人的公司做好了详细的销售计划。

    FANG Peiku , a senior in mechanics at Zhejiang Forestry University , has made a detailed plan for a company that sells a robot that cleans buildings .

  6. 提供最有效的销售计划,以获取最高的投资收益。

    Providing most effective sales planning , concern on highest ROI .

  7. 制定销售计划,监督和控制计划的执行。

    To formulate , monitor and control sales plans and territories .

  8. 制定个人工作目标和销售计划;

    Develop personal development objective and sales implementation plans ;

  9. 抗蛇毒血清生产商制定适当种类的抗蛇毒血清生产和销售计划;

    Antivenom manufacturers in developing plans for production and sale of appropriate antivenoms ;

  10. 请把关于新销售计划的情况告诉我。

    Please inform me concerning the new sales plan .

  11. 根据公司的战略销售计划完成销售和利润目标;

    Achieve sales margin targets in line with the company strategic sales plans ;

  12. 按时完成每月目标,达以预期销售计划。

    Complete a monthly target on time , reach to expect sale program .

  13. 市场调研和组织销售计划;

    Doing market research and organize sales activities ;

  14. 制订销售计划、拜访客户以销售EPBM/TBM机器设备。

    Prepare sales proposals and meet with customers to sell EPBM / TBM equipment .

  15. 我们为分销商提供创新的意见及销售计划,从而增加获利机会。

    We offer Distributors innovative ideas and sales programs designed to increase profit opportunities .

  16. 开发和完成部门的销售计划和任务。

    Develops and implements strategic sales plans .

  17. 配合公司的发展规划、制定相应的销售计划和市场营销战略。

    With the company 's development plan and the corresponding sales plans and marketing strategies .

  18. 负责编制公司一年、三年、五年预测销售计划。

    Responsible to establish the forecasting sales plan for one , three , five years .

  19. 销售计划的线性规划模型

    A Linear Program Model for Sale Plan

  20. 看来要完成今年的销售计划的可能性不大了。

    There seems to be little probability of fulfilling the sells program of this year .

  21. 这个销售计划令人感兴趣,但实施起来要花费多少呢?

    The marketing plan seem very interesting , but what will it cost in practice ?

  22. 销售计划制定和拓展。

    Sales plan outlining and developing .

  23. 通过这一模型分析估计所得的信息对制定未来销售计划将是非常有用的。

    This model will be very attractive to provide information for making their future sales plan .

  24. 钢铁企业需求管理与综合销售计划系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of demand management and integrated sales plan system for iron and steel enterprises

  25. 酒店年度的市场销售计划中应包括促销价的施行计划。

    Promotion and package should be planned as part of the hotel 's annual marketing plan .

  26. 结合行业竞争模式理论,分析了竞争对手的态势,制定了销售计划;

    Based on industrial competition theory , it studys the trend of rivals and forms sale plan .

  27. 一家公司的销售计划

    A company 's marketing program

  28. 销售计划调度计算机管理系统

    Planning Scheduling Computer Managment System

  29. 工作组成员制定新销售计划期间,他们将跟踪该文件的次要版本。

    While team members develop a new sales proposal , they track minor versions of the file .

  30. 下次会议我们来讨论新销售计划之利弊得失。

    Let 's discuss the pros and cons of the new sales plan in the next meeting .