
  • sales performance
  1. 市场显然认为新的iPhone销售业绩仍会很强劲,他说。

    The market is obviously counting on another strong sales performance for the new iPhone , he said .

  2. 优秀的在华销售业绩也提高了困境中西方汽车制造商的收入,其中包括通用汽车(GM)。该公司经历了动荡的2009年,先是进入破产保护、而后又重返市场。

    The impressive sales performance has also boosted the revenues of beleaguered western carmakers , including General Motors , which had a tumultuous 2009 that saw it enter and exit bankruptcy .

  3. 他有可靠的销售业绩记录。

    He has a proven track record in marketing .

  4. 梅西百货报告在11月和12月其营业一年以上的门店销售额下降了5。2%,这一令人失望的假期销售业绩为面临广泛挑战的百货连锁店艰难的一年画上了句号。

    Macy 's   reported   its   sales   plunged   5.2 %   in   November   and   December   at   stores   open   more   than   a year ,   a   disappointing   holiday   season   performance   that   capped   a   difficult   year   for   a department   store   chain   facing   wide-ranging   challenges .

  5. 苹果(Apple)去年第四季度7400万部智能手机的销售业绩着实令人震惊。

    It is stunning that Apple managed to sell 74m smartphones in the fourth quarter of last year .

  6. 劳埃德银行集团(lloydsbankinggroup)正尝试推出一项以客户服务而非销售业绩为标准奖励员工的计划。

    Lloyds Banking Group is testing a programme of rewarding staff for customer service rather than sales .

  7. 由于FIFA11的销售业绩优秀,EA公司股票价格有所提升。

    EA shares were buoyed by news the of brisk pace of FIFA11 sales .

  8. “那是因为你今年的销售业绩不如去年。”这位CEO回答道。

    " That 's because you sold less this year than you did last year ," said the CEO .

  9. 通过鼓励患者将药品用于美国食品药品监督管理局(USFoodandDrugAdministration)批准范围之外的用途,葛兰素史克取得了可观的短期销售业绩,但也为监管机构的一系列整治行动埋下了种子。

    By promoting drugs beyond the uses approved by the US Food and Drug Administration , GSK generated substantial short-term sales but lay the foundations for a series of regulatory actions .

  10. 中国汽车流通协会(ChineseAutomobileDealersAssociation)副秘书长宋涛表示,宝马已同意就2014年销售业绩向中国经销商支付总计51亿元人民币(合8.19亿美元)的补贴。

    Song Tao , deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Automobile Dealers Association , said BMW had agreed to pay dealers rebates totalling Rmb5.1bn ( $ 819m ) for 2014 .

  11. 而且尽管更多的公司销售业绩是来自海外尼日利亚是全球增长最快的市场H公司所有的产品都是在美国制造,而且以后也计划这样做。

    And although more of the company 's sales are coming from overseas – Nigeria is Global 's fastest growing market – Henry makes all his products in the U.

  12. 单看今年在美国的销售业绩,马自达汽车公司(MazdaMotorCorp.)可谓顺风顺水,风光无限。

    Judging by U.S. sales so far this year , Mazda Motor Corp. looks to be on a roll .

  13. 从商业角度来看,苹果需要对iPad投入更多,才能维持良好的销售业绩。

    And from a business standpoint , Apple has to do more with the iPad to maintain healthy sales .

  14. 她说:亚历山大王(AlexanderWang)的销售业绩增长了200%,而英国设计师服饰的销售额也提升了60%。

    Alexander Wang sales went up 200 per cent , and British designer clothing sales are up 60 per cent , she says .

  15. 通用汽车(GeneralMotorsCo.)打算今年晚些时候在中国生产全尺寸凯迪拉克XTS,以提升现有销售业绩。

    General Motors Co. plans to start building its full-size XTS in China later this year to build on its existing sales .

  16. 一款在CES上让人眼前一亮的产品有可能就能决定某家厂商全年的销售业绩。

    A breakout hit at CES could define an entire years of sales .

  17. 该公司的kindleFire就是一款搭载安卓系统的产品,而且是除iPad之外为数不多几个销售业绩还不错的平板电脑之一。

    Its Kindle Fire is an Android device . Also , it is one of the only tablets with meaningful sales besides the iPad .

  18. 其他大型汽车制造商同样也宣布一季度在华销售业绩强劲,比如日本的日产汽车(Nissan)。

    Other big producers , like Japanese rival Nissan Motor Co. , also reported strong first-quarter sales .

  19. 得益于盖世(Galaxy)手机和硬盘业务的良好销售业绩,三星公司(Samsung)上季度利润逼近45亿美元,创下历史新高。

    Samsung reported record quarterly profit of nearly $ 4.5 billion thanks to sales of its Galaxy phones and the sale of its hard-disk business .

  20. 美国所有主要汽车制造商上月的销量均较4月份有所增长,高折扣甚至提振了处于破产保护之中的通用汽车(generalmotors)与克莱斯勒(chrysler)的销售业绩。

    All major carmakers posted higher sales in the US last month than in April , with heavy discounting boosting even general motors and Chrysler , which are both in bankruptcy protection .

  21. 宝马(BMW)周三公布了历史上最好的二月份销售业绩,这主要得益于市场对其旗下X系列SUV车型的巨大需求。

    BMW on Wednesday reported its best ever February sales , which were helped in no small part by strong demand for its X-model SUV range .

  22. 英国巴宝莉集团(burberry)上周发布的第二季度销售业绩强于预期。

    Last week , Burberry , the British group , reported second-quarter sales which were better than expected .

  23. 这种策略风险大,回报也高:去年9月发布的《侠盗猎车手5》(GrandTheftAuto5)在开售3天内就取得了高达10亿美元的销售业绩。

    It is a high-risk strategy with potentially high rewards : Grand Theft Auto 5 clocked up $ 1bn in sales in its first three days when it was released last September .

  24. JetBrains是为数不多的几个开发工具销售业绩很好的公司之一。

    JetBrains is one of the few companies that sucessfully sell their developer tools .

  25. 路易威登(LVMH)最近表示过去一年在中国的销售业绩平平之后,股价应声下跌。

    LVMH MC.FR shares dropped recently after the company said China sales were ' flattish ' in the last year or so .

  26. 刚着手在中国扩张业务的时装公司MichaelKors最近表示,其在华销售业绩开始稳定下来。

    Fashion company Michael Kors KORS - 0.25 % , which is just getting started with its China expansion , recently said sales there are starting to take hold .

  27. 该公司已连续44个月实现销售业绩的增长,本周发布的第四季度业绩将其推向高潮。公司首席执行官吉姆•斯金纳(JimSkinner)表示,这是公司30年来最好的季度业绩。

    The company has strung together 44 consecutive months of sales growth , culminating in fourth-quarter results this week that Jim Skinner , chief executive , described as the strongest in 30 years .

  28. 业界普遍认为,双操作系统设备的推出是芯片巨头英特尔公司(IntelCo.,INTC)的福音,因为销售业绩低迷的英特尔一边在努力激发市场对个人电脑的兴趣,一边也试图在平板电脑市场占据一席之地。

    Dual-OS devices were widely seen as a boon to chip giant Intel Corp. , which has been trying to spur interest in PCs amid flagging sales as well as build a foothold in tablets .

  29. 该公司的圣诞假期销售业绩超过了它的竞争对手,公司旗下的食品部门waitrose是增长最快的食品零售商。

    Its Christmas sales outstripped those of its rivals and Waitrose , its food arm , was the fastest-growing food retailer .

  30. 本文以宝洁公司洗洁品广告创意及销售业绩为典型范例,分析节USP理论的应用价值和继续发展的空间。

    The author analyses the functional value and the continuous development leeyway of USP theory with the help of the typical examples of P & G companys advertisement originality and its sales achievement .