
  • 网络strategy;sales tactics;marketing strategies;Selling Strategy
  1. 我们的销售策略应该取得了哪些成果呢?

    What should our marketing strategy have achieved ?

  2. 基于Markov模型的贵重商品销售策略研究

    The Commodity Marketing Strategy Based the Markov Model

  3. 因为销售策略从“大尺寸”向“更多买家”转变,快餐商家需要维持一天的高客流量。

    As fast-food companies shift from " super size " to " more buys " , they need to keep customer traffic high throughout the day .

  4. 降价是常用的销售策略。

    Reducing prices is a common sales tactic .

  5. 应用Markov链方法分析销售策略

    Applying Markov Chain Method to Analyzing Sales Strategies

  6. 一类CRM模型的构建及其销售策略分析

    Kind of CRM modeling and its sales strategy analysis

  7. 比如A?B,这条规则是指顾客在购买了商品A之后,往往会接着买商品B。商家可根据这条规则制定销售策略,促进两个商品的销售。

    B , this rule refers customers to buy merchandise A , then often buy B. Businesses can constitute sales strategy according to this rule to promote sales of the two products .

  8. 客户细分是CRM技术中一项重要研究内容,通过对客户的有效分类,采用针对性销售策略,达到销售利润最大化。

    Customer segmentation is an important research direction of CRM , by effective classification of customers and targeted marketing strategies , to achieve sales profit maximization .

  9. 顶着各种指责的压力,HP开始不得不根据现实调整销售策略,它首先提供了一些折扣:首先是降价$50,然后是降价$100。

    With mounting criticism and adjusting the sales predictions to align with reality , HP started discounting the device ; first by $ 50 , then by $ 100 .

  10. 开发商BatterseaPowerStationDevelopmentCompany的CEO蒂克奈尔(RobTicknell)说,我们希望英国买家越多越好。他说,公司正在调整销售策略,以实现住户的合理搭配。

    We want as many as we can , ' says Battersea Power Station Development Company CEO Rob Ticknell of U.K. buyers , saying that the company is adjusting its sale strategy to try and obtain the right combination of residents .

  11. 一所坐落在伦敦的全球传媒机构PDA近来进行了一项研究,旨在发现女性感觉自己最不具吸引力的时间点&也就是她们对美容公司的销售策略最无力抵制的时候。

    The study , by London-based global media agency PDA , was designed to discover when women felt at their most unattractive - and therefore at their most vulnerable to be marketed to by beauty firms .

  12. 中间层理论考察了企业的购买与销售策略的关系,解决了Bertrand悖论问题,为传统的产业组织模型增添了新的视角。

    The theory of intermediaries has investigated the relationship between buying and selling strategies , and solved the Bertrand paradox , providing a new perspective for traditional model of industry organization .

  13. 通过本文的讨论,可以让更多的企业了解Lanchester战略的内容及具体应用,对其销售策略的制定和实施可起到参考和借鉴作用。

    It is intended that through discussion in the thesis , the contents and specific application of Lanchester strategy shall be acquainted by more and more enterprises and serve as useful reference when formulating and implementing sales strategies .

  14. 我建立了一套制度,让所有业务员共享行之有效的销售策略。

    I developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked .

  15. 这两家公司在销售策略上没有什么共同点。

    The two firms have very little common in selling strategies .

  16. 开拓液化石油气新市场的销售策略

    Strategy of Developing the New Market of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas

  17. 一类商品的定货-库存-销售策略仿真模型

    Simulation Model for the Order-Inventory-Sale Policy of a Kind of Merchandise

  18. 要把销售策略和手段与公司的形象结合起来。

    Align your sales strategy and tactics with your company image .

  19. 嗯,我想我们的销售策略有待推敲。

    Well , I think our marketing techniques need looking at .

  20. 听起来真是个聪明的销售策略。

    B : That sounds like a really clever marketing strategy .

  21. 双边市场中平台企业的捆绑销售策略研究

    A Study on Platform 's Tying Strategy in Two-sided Markets

  22. 关于奥运会电视转播权销售策略的思考

    Study on Marketing Strategies of Relay Rights in Olympic Games

  23. 多物品拍卖的捆绑销售策略

    A Strategy of Bundled Sales in Multi - object Auction

  24. 他将讨论主要市场和销售策略。

    He will talk about major markets and sales strategy .

  25. 那么你今年的销售策略是什么呢?

    Man : So what will your strategy be for this year ?

  26. 销售策略:向校园情侣推广“爱情”主题笔记本,并采取打折、赠送纪念品等促销手段。

    Promoting love-themed notebook for campus couples with discounts and a souvenir .

  27. 2008年北京奥运会纪念币销售策略

    On Sales Strategy of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Commemorative Coins

  28. 市场总监-采取的销售策略、特殊折扣情况等。

    Director of Marketing on the sales trips undertaken , special discounts etc.

  29. 然后,凯特,你来谈主要的市场和销售策略。

    Then Kate , you talk about major markets and sales strategy .

  30. 列举出作销售策略计划对于销售人员的优势。

    The advantage of making strategic sales plan for a sales person .