
xiāo shòu qián lì
  • sales potential
  1. 这项新发明有巨大的销售潜力。

    This new invention has an enormous sales potential .

  2. 如果你喜欢每个区出售公寓单位,是一个很好的销售潜力。

    If you prefer to zone each apartment unit for sale , there is an excellent sales potential .

  3. evenmore还,更这种产品在出口市场上甚至会有更大的销售潜力。

    The product has even more potential in export markets .

  4. 这种产品在亚洲市场上有更大的销售潜力。

    The product has even more potential in Asian markets .

  5. 提高市场竞争地位,同时吸引更多销售潜力。

    Improve competitive standing in the marketplace while attracting more sales prospects .

  6. 他们在开发一种销售潜力很大的新产品。

    They are developing a new product with a big sale potential .

  7. 市场研究与分析销售潜力

    D analyze sales potentia

  8. 申请人:我会分析我的区域,确定有最大的销售潜力的那些客户。

    Applicant : I would analyze my territory , and determine the accounts that have the greatest sales potential .

  9. 然后他们需确定哪一种产品最适合国际市场的需求,哪些国家的销售潜力最大。

    Then they must determine which products are most suitable for international marketing and which countries have the greatest sales potential .

  10. 仅决定最佳经销点位是不够的,根据销售潜力对销售区域进行调整同样至关重要。

    In addition to deciding on optimal dealership locations , it is important to justify areas and locations in terms of sales potential .

  11. 一些经销商被认为在专业管理方面薄弱,而且在其管区内未能达到应有的销售潜力。

    Some dealers were believed to be weak in terms of professional management capabilities and were thought to be under-exploiting the sales potentials in their territories .

  12. 只是在偶然的时刻,在她的潜意识中会产生出少量激动的震动。这种产品在出口市场上甚至会有更大的销售潜力。

    Only now and again , violent little shudders would come over her , out of her subconsciousness The product has even more potential in export markets .

  13. 分析师表示,眼下家得宝正在迎头追赶通行标准,如果你认真考虑该公司的网络销售潜力,以及截至目前的发展轨迹,你就会发现,一些曾经的拖累因素正在演变为一种资本。

    But now the company is catching up to the prevailing standard , analysts say , and what was once a huge liability is beginning to become an asset if you consider its online potential & and the trajectory so far .

  14. 它根据每个品类的销售增长潜力和沃尔玛的规模优势进行组合。

    It is tied to each category 's growth potential and Wal-Mart 's advantage of scale there .

  15. 我相信,利用网站进行网上销售的潜力很大。

    However , the site has vast untapped potential to be converted into an online sales generation machine .

  16. 苏波说,中国市场仍有很大的长期销售增长潜力,中国将长时间维持最大汽车市场的地位。

    " China still has big potential for a long-term sales growth , and China will be the largest auto market for a long time ," Mr.

  17. 在激光雕刻技术的进步,以减少材料应力和振动有助于扩大和增加对未来销售的应用潜力。

    Advancements in laser engraving technology to reduce material stress and vibrations are helping to expand and increase the potential for future marketable applications .

  18. 与传统的财务、营销、生产领域相比,新颖之处在于实现了对运输和仓储的协调管理、蕴涵了提高客户满意度的服务价值概念和扩大产品销售收入的潜力。

    Compared with the conventional finance , marketing and production field , its novelty lies in accomplishing the corresponded management between transportation and storage , In the meanwhile , it implicates that the service value concept of customer satisfaction is increased and the potential of products sales income is expanded .

  19. 在这篇文章中,Mattyoung报道了生物技术公司如何开始调查在中国实验和销售个人化药物的潜力。

    In this article , Matt Young reports on how biotechnology companies are starting to investigate the potential for testing and marketing personalised drugs in China .

  20. 撰写销售报告,阐明销售潜力、计划区域和客户拓广等内容;

    Prepare periodic sales report showing sales volume , potential sales , and areas of proposed client base expansion ;

  21. 通过遗留资产的现代化,使销售主管能够吸引更多销售潜力并赢得更多业务。

    Enable sales executives to attract more sales prospects and win more business through modernization of legacy assets .