
  • 网络Sales channel strategy
  1. 中国汽车销售渠道策略研究

    Study of Marketing Channel Strategy of Chinese Automobile Industry

  2. 按照STP&4PS组合策略,制定了竞争战略和产品策略、价格策略、销售渠道策略、促销策略。

    According to the STP-4Ps strategy , the strategy of product , price , sales channel and promotion is made .

  3. 并对公司进行了适当的市场定位,提出了明确的目标市场,并对相关的产品策略、价格策略和销售渠道策略等进行了详细的介绍,有极强的操作性。

    And solved the marketing positioning , objective market . we offered the product strategies , price strategies , marketing channel strategies .

  4. 在营销战略的指导下,本文提出了产品策略、价格策略、销售渠道策略、引导需求策略、企业形象策略、忠诚营销策略、行业渗透策略七种营销策略。

    At the guide of the general marketing strategy , the article comes out the seven kinds of strategy : product strategy , price strategy , place strategy , leading requirement strategy , corporation identity strategy , loyalty strategy and industry penetration strategy .

  5. 为了有效实施积极均衡发展战略,公司可以采取城乡市场协调发展的策略、以市场为导向的产品策略、一体化的销售渠道策略、客户满意的服务策略和领先市场的品牌策略等。

    In order to fully implement a balanced development strategy , life insurers should coordinate their growth in rural and urban markets , adopt a market-oriented product policy , a sales channel integration policy , a customer satisfaction-focused service policy and a market leadership branding policy .

  6. UT斯达康公司手机产品销售渠道管理策略的研究

    Selling Channel Management Strategy of UT Starcom Handset

  7. 为此,我国企业必须树立全新的网络营销理念,实施适合的网络促销、定价、产品、销售渠道等策略,不断提高企业的竞争力和盈利能力,促进我国网络经济的发展。

    Therefore , Chinese enterprises must set up the brand-new network ideas and implement reasonable promotion strategy , pricing strategy , production strategy , distribution strategy and so on to unceasingly enhances their competitive ability and promote domestic internet economy .

  8. 所以,研究UT斯达康公司的小灵通销售渠道及销售策略,对UT斯达康公司的未来的3G手机产品销售有着重大的借鉴价值。

    Therefore , the research company UT Starcom PHS sales channels and marketing strategies , the future of UT Starcom 3G mobile phone products from great value .

  9. 第二,提出了对当前我国药品销售渠道改进的策略;

    Secondly , it proposes eight improvement measures ;

  10. 另外,农村市场产品的定价和销售渠道、营销策略等等的选择,也远不同于家电企业早已熟悉的城市市场。

    Moreover , fixing price and marketing channel , marketing strategy in the rural market are also far different with the city market which enterprises have been already familiar .

  11. 其次,结合农村寿险市场的特殊性探讨了寿险产品的定价策略,最后对如何选择销售渠道及促销策略也提出了自己的看法。

    In addition , according to the specific characteristics of rural life-insurance market , it discusses the pricing strategy of life-insurance product and explains its own opinions on how to choose the sales channels and tactics of promotion .

  12. 同时指出饭店利用营销渠道有助于提高销售效率,经济效益,获得市场信息,完成提前销售。因此营销渠道策略在饭店经营管理中显得十分重要。

    She also pointed out it was quite helpful for raising sales efficiency , economic benefit , obtaining the market information , completing ahead sales if the hotel used the marketing channel correctly .

  13. 通过对大连电机集团有限公司目前销售渠道所存在的问题的分析,提出了用供应链管理理论为指导,进行销售渠道改革的基本策略以及大连电机集团有限公司供应链一体化管理的基本构想。

    It also points out the essential strategy of sales channels reform and the basic constructive idea of integrate Supply Chain Management in DALIAN ELECTROMOTOR Group Co. , LTD.