
  • 网络as cast
  1. B含量达0.8at%时,可显著细化铸态组织;

    The as cast microstructures are significantly refined when the boron additions are up to 0 8at % ;

  2. 经分析其铸态组织中液析碳化物数量较多。碳化物类型为以富铬的M7C3为主并附加少量富钼的M2C。

    During the analysis it is found that the amount of the liquation carbide in as cast condition structure is comparatively higher , the type of the carbide is mostly M_7C_3 with rich chromium and less M_2C with rich molybdenum .

  3. 稀土元素Ce对Al-Mg-Si变形铝合金铸态组织的影响及机理探讨

    The effect of CE element on the cast structure of Al-Mg-Si alloy and its mechanism

  4. Al/TiC复合材料铸态组织和性能的研究

    Property and structure of casting al / tic composite

  5. SiCp/6066铝基复合材料铸态组织和性能

    Microstructure and properties of SiC _p / 6066 MMC in the as - cast state

  6. 研究结果表明:微量元素Ag对基体合金的铸态组织没有细化效果。

    The results show : Ag has no effect on refining grains of cast alloys .

  7. Cu(50)Zr(42)Al8合金的铸态组织及硬度的研究

    Study on Microstructure and Hardness of Cu_ ( 50 ) Zr_ ( 42 ) Al_8 Alloy As-cast

  8. 微量铒对LF3铝合金铸态组织的影响

    Effects of Trace Erbium on Casting Microstructure of LF_3 Al-Alloy

  9. TiAl合金铸态组织γ/α2层片排列取向设计

    Design of γ / α _2 Lamellar Orientation in Cast TiAl Alloy Microstructures

  10. 铸态组织中SiC和石墨颗粒与基体Al合金都未发现界面反应物;

    Interfacial reaction was not observed between SiC particles and Al matrix as well as graphite particles and Al matrix in casting composites .

  11. 结果表明,Er能够明显细化该合金的晶粒(枝晶网胞),改善合金铸态组织。

    The experimental results show that the addition of rare-earth element Er can obviously refine the grain size of the alloy .

  12. 在1140℃加热3h后粉末的铸态组织才能完全消除达到均匀化。

    The dendritic microstructure can be homogenized during heat treatment at 1140 ℃ for 3h .

  13. 微量Sc和Zr对Al-Mg合金铸态组织的晶粒细化作用

    Effect of trace Sc and Zr on grain refinement of as cast Al Mg alloys

  14. Ce+Sr复合变质对过共晶Al-Si合金铸态组织及性能的影响

    Effect of Ce + Sr Compound Modification on Microstructure and Properties of Cast High Silicon Aluminium Alloy

  15. 焊缝处的TiC增强颗粒仍保持铸态组织中TiC增强颗粒的形态。

    The TiC reinforced particles on the welding line still kept the same shape as that of the casting microstructure .

  16. Mg-Al合金铸态组织细化技术基础研究

    Fundmental Research on Solidification Structure Refinement of Mg-Al Alloys

  17. Cu含量对合金铸态组织的第二相组成没影响,但Cu含量越多,合金的第二相也越多。

    The Cu content has no effect on the composition of the second phase of the cast alloy , but the more Cu content , the more the second phase .

  18. 爆炸固结法制备MoSi(2p)/Nb复合材料的铸态组织研究

    As-Cast Feature of MoSi_ ( 2p ) / Nb Composites by Explosive Consolidation Technology

  19. 采用X射线、光学显微镜及扫描电镜等研究质量分数为0~0.3%的钇对2519铝合金铸态组织的影响。

    The effects of yttrium ( 00.3 % , mass fraction ) on as-cast microstructure of 2519 aluminum alloys were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction , optical microscope and scanning ( electron ) microscope .

  20. 通过化学成分的优化,N、Cr等元素的加入和变质处理等措施,得到在稳定性较低的奥氏体基体上弥散分布有粒状碳化物的铸态组织。

    By means of optimum chemical compositions , additions of N , Cr into the melt and modification procedure , an as-cast structure with metastable austenite matrix and relatively even distribution of carbide particles was obtained .

  21. 获得的主要结论如下:含Ru不同三种合金的铸态组织都为枝晶组织。

    The main conclusions can be drawn as follows : All the three kinds of alloys with different Ru content were solidified with dendritic morphology .

  22. Zr对Mg-Ce合金的晶粒大小及铸态组织性能的影响

    The Effect of Zr to the Grain Size and As-cast Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy Mg-Ce

  23. Mo-Nb贝氏体钢的铸态组织与耐磨性研究

    Study on Cast-formation and Wear Resistance of Mo-Nb Bainitic Steel

  24. 过热温度和冷却历史过程对AZ系列镁合金铸态组织的影响

    Effects of the Superheating Temperature and the Cooling History on As-cast Microstructure of AZ Series Magnesium Alloys

  25. 结果表明:硅锰钢中加入量w为015%的稀土合金后,其铸造性能得到了改善,铸态组织细化,为发展稀土铸钢奠定了基础。

    The result shows that the casting properties of SMS ( silicon manganese steel ) are improved and the casting structure is refined greatly after adding 0.15 % of No. 1 RE alloy to SMS .

  26. Mg-Zn-Y系合金的铸态组织及其相变点

    Microstructures and Phase Transition Points of As-Cast Mg-Zn-Y System Alloys

  27. 制备了3种不同成分的镁-稀土合金,研究稀土(RE)元素铈(Ce)、钕(Nd)和钇(Y)对镁合金铸态组织、力学性能尤其是高温力学性能的影响。

    Three kinds of Mg-RE alloys were prepared in the interest of analyze the influence of the Rare Earth ( RE ) elements on the mechanical properties in Mg alloys at room temperature and elevated temperature .

  28. 采用普通熔铸的方法研究了加Cr对Al-5%Fe合金铸态组织的影响,采用XRD方法分析了合金中的物相。

    The fusion casting method was adopted to study on the effect of addition of Cr on the as-cast microstructure of Al-5 % Fe alloy . And XRD method was used to analyze the phases in the alloy .

  29. 若铸态组织中存在少量莱氏体,应770℃保温1h,以消除渗碳体,再进行740℃保温3h的石墨化退火处理。

    As a little ledeburite in the cast structure existed , it was heated to eliminate the cementite 1 hour at 770 ℃, following the graphitizing annealing 3 hours at 740 ℃ .

  30. 宏观上铸态组织存在Sn的反偏析,Sn的含量从外到内呈现下降趋势。

    Between two layers , it is the complex structural transitional zone . There exists Sn negative segregation in the cast structure by macro observation and the content of Sn decreases from outside to inside .