
  • 网络Copper lamp;Copper Shade
  1. 他打开,偶然碰到一个老的铜灯。

    He pokes through the contents and comes across an old brass lamp .

  2. 他到一家商店中,买了十二个铜灯。

    He went to a shop and asked for a dozen copper lamps ;

  3. 铜灯由印度北部的能工巧匠手工延展锻造而成。

    The brass lights are spun and hand-beaten by skilled craftsmen in northern India .

  4. 经过多年营销战略规划,公司陆续推出了四大特色主打灯饰系列:雍容华贵、金碧辉煌的“豪华型水晶全铜灯系列”;

    After many years of marketing strategy and planning , the company rolled out the four main characteristics Lighting Series : ó, resplendent " Luxury the entire copper crystal lamp ";