
zuàn shí
  • undercutting
钻蚀[zuàn shí]
  1. 加入适量CHF3,可以在侧壁形成钝化层,保护侧壁不受钻蚀。

    Addition of CHF 3 results in formation of side wall passivation layers , avoiding side wall undercut .

  2. 研究目的是优化Ni掩模PMMARIE的刻蚀参数,在氧刻蚀气体中加入表面钝化性气体CHF3,以较快的刻蚀速率获得垂直的侧壁和最小的掩模钻蚀。

    The optimization of RIE parameters for Ni mask PMMA etching is studied . The CHF 3 gas of the surface passivation effect is added in the O 2 etching gas to obtain the vertical side wall and minimal mask undercut at a fast etching rate .