
  • 网络the bachelor;eligible bachelor;most eligible bachelor;diamond bachelor
  1. 所以钻石王老五就是指很杰出,少有的单身男子。

    So Diamond bachelor refers to excellent and rare single man .

  2. 喔,刘德华,他真是个钻石王老五。

    Oh , Andy Lau , he 's a real stud !

  3. 他是这个城市里一个声名狼藉而又很难到手的钻石王老五。

    He was one of the city 's most notoriously ungettable bachelors .

  4. 你觉得在哪个城市最容易找到真正的钻石王老五呢?

    What town do you think is the best to find truly rich singles ?

  5. 徐总说,钻石王老五征婚网主要为社会精英提供征婚服务。

    Xu said his website provided matchmaking services only to the country 's elite .

  6. 这个有如此多单身女性的社区里他也算个钻石王老五。

    In this neighborhood with so many single women , he 's an eligible bachelor .

  7. 不多久这个城市的写字楼将会云集一批类似硅谷里面的高科技钻石王老五

    Soon the office buildings in this city will be full of the rich male singles like in Silicon Valley

  8. 她叫伊利莎白,既迷人又聪明。他很快就钓上了城里一个钻石王老五。

    Elizabeth was attractive and bright , and right away she hooked up with one of the city 's typically eligible bachelors .

  9. 布拉德·皮特曾经是个流连花丛的钻石王老五,但是为了和安吉丽娜·朱莉相配他的确已经给自己的生活方式来了个180度大转变。

    Brad Pitt was a swingin ' bachelor , but practically did a180 , changing his entire lifestyle to fit to Angelina Jolie .

  10. 钻石王老五征婚网从1000位报名的女性中挑选出了近30位参加这个活动。

    The website has selected nearly 30 out of the more than 1000 female applicants who applied to take part in the cruise .

  11. 在企业获得成功后,布隆伯格享受着钻石王老五的身份。他与前妻友好离婚,育有两个已成年的女儿。

    After business success came , Mr Bloomberg , who is amicably divorced with two grown daughters , relished the role of the single billionaire .

  12. 其实无论是什么戒指都是代表佩戴者已经心有所属,所以很多已婚出轨的男女都会把戒指偷偷装起来充钻石王老五,或者大龄未婚女青年。

    Perfect for today 's promiscuous lifestyles , the Anti-Cheating wedding ring makes sure to display your marital status , even when you take it off .

  13. 这档节目的主角,有俄罗斯靠采钻石发家的真正的钻石王老五,也有因发明肚子减肥器而暴富的英国发明家。

    The heroes in this part of the documentary included a single Russian who built up his fortune by mining diamonds and a British inventor who got rich overnight through an abdominal slimmer he invented .