
  • 网络Acupuncture Needle
  1. 使用一次性的注射器、针灸针也应严格消毒。

    The one-time use of syringes , acupuncture needles should also be strictly disinfected .

  2. 介绍了小波分析在针灸针表面缺陷特征提取中的应用。

    The thesis is concentrated on the application of wavelet opts in feature extraction of the surface fault of acupuncture needles .

  3. 针灸针通过提插捻转机械刺激引起皮肤变形,导致皮肤角质细胞释放ATP(1)。

    Insertion and twisting of the needles employed in acupuncture mechanically deforms the skin , leading to the release of ATP by skin keratinocytes ( 1 ) .

  4. 合金型生物医学pH传感器是以普通针灸针为基体,在针尖上热镀一层对氢离子敏感的合金而制成的一种新型pH传感器。

    The alloyed biomedical pH sensor was manufactured by thermally coa-ing a layer of alloy sensitive to H on a general acupuncture needle . The design principle , cal-bration methed and clinical application of the sensor is reported in this paper .

  5. 钙离子传感针是以针灸针为基体,将钙离子敏感材料的PVC膜复合其上而制成的微电极,介绍了不同成膜方法对其性能的影响。

    The calcium ion sensing needle is based on acupuncture needle as supporter , and coated with PVC membrane which are mixed with sensitive material , the methods of making the membrane how to effect its properties are introduced .

  6. 针灸针表面缺陷的计算机识别研究

    Research on the Auto-Diagnosis of the Surface Fault of Acupuncture Needle

  7. (ⅰ)一次性的临时措施;一次性使用无菌针灸针

    ( I ) is a one-time non-recurring measure ; and disposable acupuncture needle

  8. 一次性使用无菌针灸针单面平针织物针织机

    Disposable acupuncture needle single jersey knitting machine

  9. 针具:30号1.5寸华佗牌针灸针。

    30 , length 1.5 Cun .

  10. 该针灸针使用方便,效率高、成本低。

    The acupuncture needle has the advantages of easy use , high efficiency and low cost .

  11. 针刺手法是针灸针从进针之后到出针之前对腧穴的操作方法。

    Acupuncture manipulation is the method that is acupuncture needles operate acupoints from needle insertion to needle extraction .

  12. 理论分析和有限元模拟的结果表明,在取得合适内、外径比情况下,该结构针灸针的抗弯强度优于传统针灸针,可以用于临床实践。

    The flexure strength of this acupuncture needle is superior to conventional acupuncture needle according to theoretical analysis and finite element simulation .

  13. 他引用了一个例子,即中国针灸针和人参的使用的国际标准。

    He cited as an example that the international standards for acupuncture needles and the use of ginseng have been set by China .

  14. 中成药、复方合剂、糖浆及浓缩科学粉剂、一次性针灸针、血糖及胆固醇测量仪、保健品及药酒。

    Herbal Patent Medicine , Mistura Syrup and Granule , Accupuncture Needle , Blood Glucose and Cholesterol Monitor , Herbel Supplement and Medicated Liquors .

  15. 它不需要中药材,只需要一双稳健的手,5到10根优质的针灸针,当然还要有深厚的中医知识。

    Acupuncture requires no medicines , only a pair of steady hands , five to ten good quality acupuncture needles and a deep knowledge of Chinese medicine .

  16. 针灸针和用于伤口处理的剪刀采用压力蒸汽灭菌器进行灭菌的医疗机构分别占调查单位数的58.1%和82.3%。

    The medical institutions using autoclaving for sterilization of acupuncture needles and scissors for treating wounds accounted for 58.1 % and 82.3 % respectively of the institutions surveyed .

  17. 结果与结论临床与实验研究的初步结果表明,带磁针在镇痛效应方面的作用明显优于磁极针和普通针灸针。

    Result and Conclusion The results of clinical and experimental researches shows that the function of magnetized needles in acupuncture analgesia is much more effective than magnetic pole needles and common filiform needles .

  18. 用于针灸的针只有头发丝那么细,不可能造成任何疼痛。

    Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and not likely to cause any pain .

  19. 在临床研究期间,与药物对照组的病人比较,所有经过纤维肌痛影响问卷考量的纤维肌痛的症状,针灸组和针药组的病人都有显著改善(P.0001)。

    Total fibromyalgia symptoms , as measured by the FIQ , were significantly improved in the acupuncture group and acupuncture plus drug group compared with the drug-control group during the study period ( P.0001 ) .

  20. 高海拔地区康复治疗包括:中药治疗、针灸及头皮针治疗、脑超声治疗、功能锻炼、心理治疗等综合方法,其疗效高达83.8%。

    The rehabilitation therapy included traditional Chinese medicine , acupuncture and moxibustion , scalp needle , brain ultrasound wave , function exercise , psychic therapy etc. The rate of effect reached 83.8 % .

  21. 治疗则分别从辨证分型论治、辨病专方治疗、中药周期疗法、针灸治疗、针药联合治疗、中西医结合治疗等几方面进行。

    Its therapeutic methods include syndrome or disease differentiation and treatment 、 special recipe of TCM 、 herbal therapy on artificial menstrual cycle 、 combined treatment of TCM and western medicine 、 acupuncture therapy .

  22. 中国有数千年历史,黄帝时代已有兽医马师皇对马匹施针救治的记载,而春秋战国时期第一部兽医针灸书《伯乐针经》,是民间兽医用针之重要依据。

    Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years and has been formally recognised by the World Health Organisation as a treatment modality for specific conditions since the1970 's.