
jīn línɡ zǐ sǎn
  • Sichuan Chinaberry Powder
  1. 结果表明,理气止疼方剂金铃子散对冰醋酸以及甲醛-足跖炎性疼痛反应(F、S相)均有显著抑制作用,但对热刺激疼痛反应的抑制作用没有统计学差异。

    JLZS showed a potent inhibitory activity on the acetic acid induced writhing and formalin induced F , S phase pain response , but heat induced pain like response was not inhibited significantly .

  2. 体外实验以肝微粒体为研究工具,采用单一探针非拉西丁观察不同配伍的金铃子散对CYP亚型(CYP1A2)的半数抑制浓度(IC50)。

    In vitro test , rat liver microsome was applied to observe the50 % inhibitory concentration of Jinlingzi powder on CYP subtypes ( CYP1A2 ) by using a single probe phenacetin .