
  1. 受农业产业特殊性的影响和制约,目前重庆农村金融要素市场的发展并不及城市金融体系庞大和结构复杂。

    Because of specialization in agriculture , the development of rural financial factor market is less than urban finance with regard to large system and structure complex in Chongqing .

  2. 历史证明:无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,完善的和功能健全、安全高效的金融要素市场体系,对一个国家或地区产业结构调整和经济转型能起到重要的推动作用。

    History has proved : whether developed countries or developing countries , a perfect , functional , efficient financial factor market had played as an important role in the readjustment of industrial structure and economy in a country or region .

  3. 金融要素能够准确把握市场需求,服务市场定位,配置市场资源。

    Financial factors can accurately grasp the demand of the market , the position of market service , the allocation of market resources .

  4. 正在致力于建设长江上游地区金融中心的重庆,除了发展城市金融外,同样要拥有完善的农村金融要素市场。

    Going in for financial center in the upper reaches of Yangtze River , it is important to develop perfect rural financial factor market beside urban finance .