
  • 网络golden autumn
  1. 金色的秋天来临,我却没有看到太多的收获。

    The advent of the golden autumn , I do not see many gains .

  2. 《金色的秋天》是一首歌唱祖国金秋、礼赞劳动丰收的优美小提琴独奏曲。

    " Golden Autumn " is a beautiful violin solo that sings the praises of labor , harvests and the golden autumn of the country .

  3. 金色的秋天是收获的时节。

    Golden fall is harvest-time .

  4. 我想那就是为什么我们把它称为金色的秋天,或丰收的季节的缘故吧。

    I suppose that 's why we call it the harvest season and talk about a golden autumn .

  5. 尤其是北京的秋季,凉爽宜人,人称“金色的秋天”。

    Being 's autumn , in particular , is well-known as " Golden Fall " because of its cool and fresh air .

  6. 那么,来吧,我的雨夜的脚步声;微笑吧,我的金色的秋天;来吧,无虑无忧的四月,散掷着你的亲吻。

    Then , come , my rainy nights with pattering feet ; smile , my golden autumn ; come , careless April , scattering your kisses abroad .

  7. 不过,只要您在各方面多加防范,配以合理膳食和适当运动,就会平安无事地度过金色的秋天。

    Therefore , people are well advised to take precautions , have reasonable diets and do proper exercises to ensure they are safe and sound during the season .

  8. 我最喜欢那秋高气爽的秋天,金色的秋天,天高云淡,几朵淡淡的白云在蓝蓝的天空中游弋,白云下面几只雄鹰在翱翔。

    My favorite was a clear and crisp autumn , golden autumn sky was clear and Jiduo faint white clouds cruising blue sky , white clouds a few eagle soaring below .

  9. 无论是解决方面,金色的秋天灰尘英格兰,材料重量的家具和服装,首饰,以及决策混乱的事情感到高兴我的母亲。

    Both the settled aspect , the golden dust of autumnal England , the material weight of furniture and dresses and jewels , and the making a mess of things pleased my mother .

  10. 秋天的风应该是金色的,因为秋天是收获的季节金黄色使我们有丰收的感觉.冬天的风应该是鹅黄色的,鹅黄色的风吹在纯白的雪上,难道不是很暖和吗?

    The wind in autumn should be golden because autumn is harvest time , and golden color make us have harvest feelings . The wind in winter should be light yellow . When light yellow wind blew on white snow , it was very warm , wasn 't it ?

  11. 那是个金色的、晴朗的秋天,动人的秋色为那些青年送别,待到和平时期的秋天来临,落叶复纷飞,当年的青年已失去青春,有的已失去生命。

    It had been a fine , golden autumn , a lovely farewell to those who would lose their youth , and some of them their lives , before the leaves turned again in a peacetime .