
  • 网络Golden Tax Project
  1. 随着国家金税工程的开展,电子申报纳税已成为必然趋势,而且在全国专科以上的财经院校,必须开设税务相关课程。

    With the launching of the national Golden Tax Project , electronic tax returns has become an inevitable trend , but also in the country for more than specialist financial institutions must set up tax-related courses .

  2. 对工业工程在金税工程中更深层次的应用进行了预见性分析。

    There are good prospects for deep-level application of IE to the Golden Tax Project .

  3. 要充分挖掘金税工程积累的税务信息数据,必须先实现数据集中,利用中间件的基本工作原理,提出了用MQ中间件实现税务数据集中的方法。

    In order to find the information data of tax that accumulated by The Golden-Tax project , we must implement the integration of data . The article tells the basic theory of Middleware and tells how to implement tax data integration by using MQ .

  4. 因此,金税工程应运而生。

    And then , the Golden Taxation Project was carried out .

  5. 多层混联的软件可靠性模型在金税工程中的应用

    Apply multilevel and hybrid connection model to Gold-Tax Engineering

  6. 进入二十一世纪以后,随着我国对信息化的研究,金税工程应运而生。

    In the 21st century , with the development of informationization , Golden Tax Project came into being .

  7. 按照国务院电子政务建设规划,云南省国税局将在2011年前后实施金税工程三期建设。

    In accordance with state council e-government construction planning , Yunnan IRS expected to begin implement phase ⅲ golden tax project comprehensively after 2011 .

  8. 根据金税工程三期的要求,对税务信息系统的安全问题作了较详细地探讨。

    This paper discusses the security of tax information system in detail according to the demand of The Third Period of Golden Tax engineering .

  9. 本论文的设计方案对建设重庆市国税系统金税工程网络起到了重要的参考作用。

    All design and plan in this paper will pay an important reference role for constructing The Goldtax engineering network in ChongQing state taxes system .

  10. 金税工程,就是在这种的背景下,通过先进的网络与信息技术手段,实现税务业务向开放的互联网迁移的一种模式。

    Golden Tax Project , is in this context , through the advanced network and information technology to achieve the tax business to migrate to an open Internet model .

  11. 伴随着金税工程的开展,税务信息化程度的提高,信息安全成为当今税务信息化的重要课题。

    With the development of the Gold Tax Project and the improvement of the Tax informatization , the information Security has become the important topic for the current Tax information .

  12. 根据国家税务总局金税工程三期建设要求,课题组组织实施了抵扣凭证核查系统的研发工作。

    According to the requirement of the construction of three circular of the State Administration of Taxation Golden Tax Project , project group to organize the implementation of the credit checking system document research .

  13. 为了提高税务部门综合办公效率、减少数据孤岛等问题,由国家税务总局牵头实施金税工程三期建设项目之一的税务综合办公信息系统的建设。

    In order to improve the tax department office efficiency , reduce the data island , construction by the State Administration of Taxation lead the implementation of " tax office information system of the Golden Tax Project " one of the three phase of construction projects .

  14. 辽宁省金税三期工程中存在的问题与对策研究

    The Present Situation and Countermeasures Research on the Third Golden Tax Project of Liaoning

  15. 1994年以加强增值税专用发票管理为主要目标的重点工程金税一期工程拉开了我国的税收信息化建设的步伐。

    In 1994 strengthen management of VAT invoices for the main goal of the project phase gold in the informatization construction of taxation .