
  • 网络four great physicians of the Jin and Yuan period
  1. 第三阶段为理论创新及特色形成阶段(宋金元),以金元四大家刘完素、张从正、李杲、朱震亨的刺血成就为其代表;

    The third stage is of theory-creating and characteristic-forming ( Song , Jin , Yuan Period ), and the achievement of four great physicians of the Jin and Yuan Period is know as its representative .

  2. 李东垣是金元四大家中补土派的代表,他创立的脾胃学说对后世影响很大。

    Li Dongyuan was the representative of school of medical thought of strengthening spleen , one of the four schools of medical thought in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties .

  3. 张子和是我国金元时期著名医家,为“金元四大家”之一。

    Zhang Zihe , an outstanding physician , is one of the four schools of the Jin-yuan Dynasty .