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chóng dié
  • overlap;overlay;superpose;coincide;one on top of another
重叠 [chóng dié]
  • (1) [overlap]

  • (2) 同样的东西层层堆叠

  • 机构重叠

  • (3) 部分相一致

  • 哲学和心理学重叠的领域

  • (4) [superpose]∶叠加,使一物与另一物占有相同位置并与之共存

  • 把不同光源形成的两个图像重叠起来

重叠[chóng dié]
  1. 2022年冬奥会火炬旋转上升,如双色“飞舞丝带”重叠,内部的红色丝带如火焰升起,与外部的银色丝带形成强烈的反差效果。

    The 2022 Olympic torch spirals upward to resemble two overlapping rising flames , with the outer one plated in silver to produce a striking contrast .

  2. 重叠重建对螺旋CT纵向分辨力的影响分析

    The effect of overlapping slice reconstruction on the longitudinal resolution in helical CT imaging

  3. 我们的工作略有重叠,所以有时引起一些困难。

    Our jobs overlap slightly , which sometimes causes difficulties .

  4. 毛毡的上层应与下层重叠。

    The upper layer of felt should overlap the lower .

  5. 社会结构之间不是离散的,他们相互重叠交织。

    Social structures are not discrete objects ; they overlap and interweave .

  6. 基督教的圣周与犹太教逾越节的头几天重叠。

    Christian holy week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover

  7. 他的访问期与我的访问期有几天重叠。

    His visit and mine overlapped .

  8. 这两个部门的工作有些重叠。

    The responsibilities of the two departments overlap to some extent .

  9. 穿过地理梯度,莱文斯预料有分布区不重叠的小种或近群种。

    Across geographic gradients , levins expects allopatric races or coenospecies exist .

  10. 雾气逐渐消失,重叠的山峦一层一层地显现出来。

    As the mist lifted , the mountains revealed themselves range upon range .

  11. 经过暗适应的晶体柱可以对不同物距的目标形成清晰的正重叠像,像的大小随物距的增大而减小。

    A real optical superposition image was formed by dark-adapted crystalline cones for an object at different distances and its size decreased as the object distance increased .

  12. 夹克和裤子重叠的部分不好看。

    The overlap between the jacket and the trousers is not good .

  13. 斯帕尔看不上机构重叠和清规戒律,表现出美国人的机敏,有着独立、首创精神和企业家的风度。

    Spawr indeed personified American ingenuity , self-reliance , initiative and entrepreneurship .

  14. 新机构的职能与那个现存机构的职能部分重叠

    The new office overlaps the functions of the one already in existence .

  15. 游戏目标是拼出一个益智书里提供的图形(会事先给出一个图形轮廓),要使用所有七个形状,且需要没有重叠。

    The objective is to replicate4 a pattern ( given only an outline ) generally found in a puzzle book using all seven pieces without overlap5 .

  16. 具有空间重叠性的双波长TEACO2激光器研究

    A Dual-wavelength Oscillation-amplify TEA CO_2 Laser with Space Overlapped Pulses

  17. 结果表明,刮扫面积重叠率ξ在区间(0,ξc)为宜;

    It was shown that the area-overlapping ratio was better in the interval of 0 to ξ _c .

  18. 重叠分辨图法用于中药组分的制备HPLC分离条件优化

    Optimizing HPLC Parameters by Overlapping Separation Range Mapping for Preparation of Herb Components

  19. 重叠延伸PCR技术成功的关键是重叠互补引物的设计。

    The overlap primers design is the key factor for the successful accomplishment of SOE PCR .

  20. 半重叠PCR检测急性淋巴细胞白血病骨髓移植后残留白血病的临床意义

    The clinical significance of semi-nested PCR in detecting minimal residual disease after ALL bone marrow transplantation

  21. x射线谱图中,谱峰的重叠现象十分常见。

    It is the common phenomenon that the spectral peaks are overlapped in the X - ray spectrum .

  22. HBV和HCV重叠感染占6.8%。

    HBV and HCV superinfection ratio was 6.8 % .

  23. 本文把P型动态电路与静态译码器结合,不仅解决了静态译码器的写重叠问题,而且提高了译码速度。

    We combine a p-type dynamic circuit with a static decoder to solve the write-overlap problem in static decoder , and promote the decoding speed .

  24. 基于重叠变换的CDMAOverlay系统窄带干扰抑制

    Narrowband Interference Rejection in CDMA Overlay Systems Using Lapped Transform

  25. 单纯COPD与重叠综合症患者的肺功能比较

    Difference in Pulmonary Function between COPD and Overlap Syndrome Patients

  26. 加速重叠分块Newton法并行计算潮流问题

    Accelerated overlapping block-parallel Newton method for load flow equations

  27. 本文运用内生增长模型与世代重叠模型的结合分析,试图从理论上来探讨在考虑人们遗产动机的情况下,公共养老保险制度对于经济增长率和社会福利(socialwelfare)所产生的效应。

    By an endogenous growth model and overlapping generations model , this paper analyzes the effects of public pension scheme on economic growth and social welfare .

  28. 方法用PCR方法扩增IL3信号肽序列和人内皮抑素基因,然后采用重叠延伸PCR拼接的方法将两者拼接和扩增。

    METHODS IL_3 signal sequence and human endostatin gene were amplified with PCR and spliced with overlap extension PCR .

  29. 目的探讨受血者受血前HIV、HBV、HCV及梅毒重叠感染。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the co-infection of HIV , HCV , HBV and syphilis in recipients before transfusion .

  30. 凯特博士也研究RNA,尽管研究上有一些重叠,但是他们主要还是做各自的研究。

    Dr. Cate also studies RNA ; there is some overlap , but mostly they do their own research .