
shì wén
  • annotate the pronunciation and meaning of words;do textual research on ancient script;offer phonetic and semantic explanation of written words;work out the meaning of old characters;annotation
释文 [shì wén]
  • (1) [offer phonetic and semantic explanation of written words]∶解释文字音义(多用于书名,如《经典释文》)

  • (2) [work out the meaning of old characters]∶考订甲骨文、钟鼎文等

释文[shì wén]
  1. 《经典释文》音切类目研究的基本结论

    A Study on Phonetic Transcription Classification of The Annotation of Classics

  2. 和阗出土的长方穿铅钱释文研究

    A study on lead coin with rectangle hole excavated in Hotan Area

  3. 在释文2。中所说的由一位或几位数字表示的数。

    The number represented by the digit or digits in2 .

  4. 释文:林前13:4-8爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;

    Cor13:4-8 Love is patient , Love is kind .

  5. 《经典释文》研究综论

    Comment on Study of The Annotation of Classics

  6. 注文,释文重要的或解释性的注释;

    Acritical or explanatory note ; a commentary .

  7. 《释文》音切叠合了多层面的书面文献语言读书音;

    These phonetic transcriptions in The Annotation of Classics belong to the pronunciation of the written literature language .

  8. 《经典释文》中有关李(轨)音的几个问题一条为火车准备的铁轨线。

    Several Questions on " Li Yin " in JingDianShiWen ; a line of track providing a runway for wheels .

  9. 服务提供商还必须在账户上增加释文,并能够识别此公共账号已经得到了发表政治新闻的权限。

    Service providers must also add annotations to account pages to identify public account that is authorisedto public political news .

  10. 但字典部分释文存在有重复、歧义、循环论证、举例失当等问题。

    However , faults can be found in some aspects , such as repetitions , ambiguity , circular arguments and improper examples .

  11. 音义匹配的方法&以《经典释文》为例

    The Methods of Matching between Phonetics and Semantics in the Annotation of Classics & a case study of the Annotation of Classics

  12. 其中收录在第三、四册中的一部分周祭卜辞,存在着多方面的问题,如在相重、分期、按语以及释文等方面,尤其是释文方面存在的问题多而且琐碎。

    Yet there some errors in Volume 3 and Volume 4 of the book , for example the pictures , stages , comments and especially the annotations .

  13. 清华简中有一篇被整理者命名为《保训》,其照片及释文业已经公布。

    One text inscribed on these slips is entitled'Baoxun ' , it has been edited ; the photos and the interpretation of the text are published already .

  14. 必须情景参与者在相应谓词的词典释文或元语言释文中对应的变元叫做谓词的语义配价。

    The variables to which the obligatory participants in the scene correspond in the dictionary definitions or in the metalanguage definitions is called the semantic valence of the predicate .

  15. 然后随意抽取《现代汉语词典》的释文为研究语料,具体分析现代汉语的语词定义模式。

    In the third , the language information is chosen from the Modern Chinese Dictionary at random in order to analyze the model of the nominal definition in modern Chinese .

  16. 本文指出《张家山汉墓竹简(二四七号墓)》释文和注释中存在的若干处字词问题,并对这些字词进行了新的考释。

    This paper points out some problems of characters and words in the interpretations on bamboo slips from Zhangjiashan sHan tomb and makes a new textual research of these characters and words .

  17. 《释文》有近一半的音切是辨析音变构词的,它们对汉语词汇发展史和构词法的研究有更为突出的价值,还可以利用这些材料来探索上古汉语的形态构成。

    They have a more distinct value in the research of the developmental history of Chinese lexicon and word-building , and these data can also be taken to explore the morphological structure of ancient Chinese .

  18. 摘要《新华字典》是中国最权威的小型现代汉语规范字典,取得了很高的成就。但字典部分释文存在有重复、歧义、循环论证、举例失当等问题。

    Xinhua dictionary , most authoritative standard modern Chinese dictionary , is a great success . however , faults can be found in some aspects , such as repetitions , ambiguity , circular arguments and improper examples .

  19. 原有的释文在文字释读和注释中都存在或多或少的问题,本部分以实例的形式归纳分析了简牍整理时需要注意的问题;第四,法律文书同义词研究。

    Because the interpretation of the text and notes in the original explanation still have some problems , in this part we summarized and analyzed the basic principles of slips arrangement through examples . Finally , synonyms of legal instruments .

  20. 对《释录》释文内容的校补是该论文的主要内容,除此之外,还包括标点、校记、释文后的说明、参考文献等的校正。

    The main task of this article is to supplement and proofread the records to Dunhuang literature . Besides it , it also includes correcting punctuation , collating records , explanation after the records , reference books and so on .

  21. 随意抽取《朗文》和《牛津》中的释文为研究语料,具体分析双语词典的词语定义模式,总结出现行双语词典词语定义的方式和规则。

    Taking the definitions of Longman and Oxford at random as the study literature , this dissertation analyzes in detail the model of word definition in bilingual dictionary and concludes the means and rules of word definition in current bilingual dictionary .

  22. 本文详细介绍了百科辞典中人物传记条目释文中显性知识的表示规范,包括知识点的取舍,简单知识和简单知识组的形式化表示方法,以及显性的复杂知识的提取方法。

    In this article we introduce our guideline for biographic knowledge acquisition from Electronic Encyclopedia of China , including the acceptance and rejection of knowledge items , the formalization of simple knowledge and simple knowledge group and the acquisition of dominant and complicated knowledge .

  23. 本文针对出土文字砖的照片、拓片、释文、文物资料,借助相关书目运用史料学、文献学等方法作探索与总结,给予分类,阐释其史料价值、书体演进及书法价值等问题。

    Based on photos , rubbings , interpretations , and cultural relics of unearthed text bricks , this paper makes exploration , summarization and classification by using historical science and philology to reveal their historical significance , the evolution of chirography and calligraphy value .