
  • 网络bacchanalia;dionysia;Bacchanal;Bacchanale
  1. 酒神节为表示尊敬巴克斯的古罗马喜庆日。

    The ancient Roman festival in honor of bacchus .

  2. 伊卡里亚岛出名的不仅是长寿的居民,还有通宵达旦的酒神节派对。

    Icaria is known for the longevity of its residents ; it 's also known for Dionysian all-night parties .

  3. 约西元前534年泰斯庇斯在酒神节(戏剧节)上第一个获得悲剧奖。

    He is the first recorded winner of a prize for tragedy at the Great Dionysia , a drama festival , c.534 BC .

  4. 但是罗马人没有什么东西与希腊奥林匹克运动会或导致了雅典悲剧和喜剧写作的戴奥尼索斯酒神节相像。

    But the Romans had nothing like the Greek Olympic games or the festivals of Dionysus that led to the writing of Athenian tragedy and comedy .

  5. 否则,你只能在酒神节中的狂欢中籍着自己的一点小聪明过日子:在这40分钟的音乐里,碎屑变成财富,这个世界则都是对你的奖赏!

    Instead , just live vicariously through this Dionysian testament to living by your wits : 40 minutes where rags become riches and the world is your reward .

  6. 当他们告诉他,他们这个年龄的期望时,他高兴起来,说葡萄酒节这样庆祝,就是真正的酒神节了。

    And when they told him what one would expect of their age , he began to be merry , declaring that a vintage celebrated in such a manner was truly bacchanalian .

  7. 在西方,酒神崇拜及后来形成的酒神节、延续至今的狂欢节都反映了这一传统。

    In the west , this tradition is reflected by the Bacchus worship , the Bacchus festival afterwards formed and the Carnival which is went down until now .