
dū shì shè qū
  • urban community
  1. 我在都市社区教堂的需要中被浸,我已经见到数不尽的类似情形以致于激发我想作为一位医生在服务不周到的区域中继续我的服务。

    Having been immersed in the needs of my church 's urban community , I have seen countless such cases that inspire me to continue my service in underserved areas on a greater plane as a medical doctor .

  2. 都市社区是我国都市社会管理与发展的基本单元。

    The urban community is the basic unit of urban management and development .

  3. 建外SOHO不是一个简单单调的封闭的住宅区,而是一个有住宅、有店铺、有办公、有花园、开放的混合型都市社区。

    Instead of a self-containsd residential area , Jianwai SOHO is an open , mixed urban neighborhood that hosts homes , shops , office and gardens .

  4. 论小康社会与都市社区文化建设

    On Well-to-DO Society and Cultural Construction of Communities in the City

  5. 近代上海出版业与都市社区的互动

    The Interaction between Publication Industry and Community in Modern Shanghai

  6. 建设一种新型的都市社区图书馆的构想

    A Composition of Building a New Community Library

  7. 都市社区发展和社区文化建设

    Urban Community Development and Community Culture Construction

  8. 社会资本的基本要素恰恰由支撑都市社区发展的上述因素构成。

    And all these elements which sustain community development build the basic factors of social capital .

  9. 都市社区旅游的国际化是大都市国际化的先导和符号。

    The internationalization of metropolis community tourism is the forerunner and the symbol of the internationalization of metropolis .

  10. 尤其是在发展较快、较为成熟的沿海城市,其社区教育发展面临着一些亟待解决的瓶颈问题,这些问题解决与否对都市社区教育的深入发展至关重要。

    Especially in coastal cities . The development of their community education is faced with a number of bottlenecks in urgent need of solution .

  11. 然后总结本文的三个理论基础:社会资本理论、治理理论与自组织理论,并说明他们在南宁市兴宁区社区治理中的应用;第三章,分析国内外几个典型都市社区的治理模式。

    Then find out their application in Xingning district , NNC . Chapter three , it analyzes a couple of typical urban communities from abroad and home .

  12. 这一市政广场的精妙之处在于结合了节能与节水设计,营造出新州最佳可持续发展都市社区。

    The Town Square is striking for its combination of energy and water efficient design principles which have created one of the most sustainable urban communities in NSW .

  13. 少数民族地区的社区是以特定的地域为空间,以少数民族为主体的小型社会,可以称之为“民族社区”,其社区教育的内涵、外延以及类型目前和都市社区有很大的差别。

    Minority community refers to a given area inhabited mainly by minorities and its education is quite different from that of the city citizens in terms of its intension , extension and type .

  14. 第四章由点再上升至面,提出都市社区教育发展在认识、管理、保障机制、参与群体、实施途径等方面存在的问题。

    Chapter IV overviews problems existing of the development of community education of urban in the understanding , management , security mechanism , participation in groups , ways to implement and so on .

  15. 基于上海石库门社区文化特色的“新天地”模式,具有都市社区旅游国际化的示范和启迪效应。

    The " Xin Tiandi " pattern , based on the cultural features of the Shi Kumen community in Shanghai , has the model and enlightenment effect for the internationalization of metropolis community tourism .

  16. 都市社区治理的成败,直接关系着都市经济的发展、政治的稳定和社会的进步,由此,都市社区治理研究具有深远的理论意义与实践价值。

    The success of urban community governance has a great influence on urban economic development , political stability and social progress . Therefore , the research on urban community governance has far-reaching theoretical and empirical value .

  17. 永续都市邻里社区都市设计之调查研究&以花莲市为例

    A research on Urban Design of sustainable urban neighborhood & a study of Hualien City

  18. 重庆都市区社区老年公共服务设施规划建设的探讨

    Discussion on the Planning and Construction of the Public Service Facility for the Olds in Chongqing

  19. 因此以此观点为基础,文章最后对发展和建设中国本土化的新都市主义社区提出了前瞻性的合理建议和展望。

    So in accordance with the forward viewpoint , the disquisition eventually offers reasonable suggestion and predictive prospect , which refer to the development and construction of the Chinese localized New Urbanism community .

  20. 同时文章也探讨和分析了以传统邻里开发和交通导向开发两种模式为代表的国外新都市主义社区的实践情况及其给予我国的重要启示。

    Meanwhile the disquisition probes and analyses the practice of the New Urbanism communities abroad in the representation of Traditional Neighborhood Development ( TND ) and Transit-Oriented Development ( TOD ) including the revelations to us .

  21. 本文的研究内容是针对近期大城市郊区大型的房地产项目越来越热衷于打造新都市主义社区这一现象的。

    In this disquisition , it is to the question of the phenomena that more and more land agents high on creating the large real estate items of big city suburban area as the New Urbanism community in the near future .

  22. 本课程旨在探究使用媒体科技与网际网络以增进沟通和改变城市设计与都市内邻里社区发展的可能性。

    This workshop explores the potential of media technology and the Internet to enhance communication and transform city design and community development in inner-city neighborhoods .

  23. 都市近郊乡村旅游社区参与策略研究&以重庆市璧山县为例

    On the Community-Involved Rural Tourism in Urban Outskirts & Take Bishan County in Chongqing for Example

  24. 前期的大量探索性研究发现,郑州市都市村庄流动人口强烈地认同于精神社区,对郑州市(尤其是对都市村庄社区)认同感较弱。

    In the former exploring research , I have found that the floating population have strong attachment to the " virtual community ", whereas they less identify with zhengzhou city , especially city villages .