
zhē bǎn
  • Shutter;curtain board;sunshade
遮板[zhē bǎn]
  1. 该驱动装置设于该基座,使该带动件带动各该遮板偏转。

    The drive device arranged on the base is provided with a drive component to drive each curtain board deflecting .

  2. 这个使画面惭入的遮板装置可以用手操作。

    This shutter device for fading a picture can be operated by hand .

  3. 那商店的窗子装有可卷动的遮板。

    The shop is fitted with rolling shutters .

  4. 底遮板的加工

    The Manufacturing of the Bottom Cover

  5. SFRC及混凝土遮弹板抗接触爆炸性能的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Anti-explosion Ability of SFRC and Concrete Slabs

  6. 钢纤维超高强活性混凝土(RPC)遮弹板接触爆炸局部破坏试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Local Failure of Steel-fiber Reactive Power Concrete ( RPC ) Shelter Plate Under Contact Explosion

  7. NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(JamesWebbSpaceTelescope)将于2018年发射,它上面也将安装一台能看到木星大小的行星的日冕仪,但现在已经来不及对它进行调整,使它能使用遮星板。

    NASA 's James Webb Space Telescope , due for a 2018 launch , will have a coronagraph capable of seeing Jupiter-size planets , but it is too late to adapt it to a star shade .

  8. 在遮弹板厚度为20cm时,钢纤维掺量采用1.5%~2.0%比较合适;

    When the thickness of the shield layer is 20 centimeter , the content of steel fibers between 1.5 % and 2.0 % is better ;

  9. 为了得到新型材料钢纤维RPC遮弹板的力学参数及接触爆炸性能参数,测试了5%纤维含量的试件的抗压强度、抗剪强度及断裂韧度,得到了多组试验数据。

    In order to get mechanics parameters and contact explosion capability parameters , some RPC samples with 5 % steel fiber were tested , many groups data were obtained with compressive strength , shear strength and fracture toughness .

  10. 西格正在负责一项研究遮星板(starshade)概念的NASA研究。这种遮星板将漂浮在太空望远镜前方,遮挡恒星发出的光,这样就能看见它比较暗淡的行星了,就像司机拉下遮阳板挡住刺眼的阳光那样。

    Dr. Seager is heading a NASA study investigating the concept of a starshade , which would float in front of a space telescope and block light from a star so that its much fainter planets would be visible , the way a driver flips down a shade to block the glare of the sun .

  11. 遮雨板是任何屋面中不可缺少的一部分。

    An integral part of any roof is its flashing .

  12. 大部分发生的屋面渗漏事实上都是遮雨板渗漏。

    Most reported roof leaks are in fact flashing leaks .

  13. 安装不好的遮雨板会发生开逢,水将通过缝隙渗漏到屋面的表层。

    Poorly applied flashings open and allow water to penetrate the roof surface .

  14. 遮雨板可用于所有的屋面渗漏。

    Flashings are used at all roof penetrations .

  15. 简单介绍了活动遮热板的物理模型、工作原理及其主要结构组成;

    Then the working theorem , physical model and structure of the device is introduced ;

  16. 冲击荷载作用下球壳形遮弹板应力场的动光弹试验研究

    Study on Stress Field of Spherical Anti-penetration Plate Acted by Impulsive Load Using Dynamic Photo Elasticity

  17. 遮雨板受不了雨水无情的冲刷,于是雨水悄悄渗入到瓦片下方。

    As the flashing separates under rain 's relentless insistence , water sneaks beneath the shingles .

  18. 弹丸侵彻钢板夹层钢纤维混凝土遮弹板数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of projectile penetrating into structure of steel fiber concrete burst slab combined with armor plate

  19. 研究表明,后遮流板结构尺寸在不同压差条件下对指尖密封迟滞特性和刚度的影响表现出不同的特点。

    The research work indicates that this influence of aft cover plate shows different appearances with different operation conditions .

  20. 隔热分为遮阳隔热、结构和构造隔热、室内遮热板隔热三方面;

    Heat insulation has three ways : by sunshade , by constitution and structure , by indoor heat shelter ;

  21. 南京遮热板降温与时间相关性统计分析热流道板的流道设计

    Statistical Analysis of Temperature Reduction of Shading Shield and Time in Nanjing Design of the Runners on the Hot-Runner Plate

  22. 西格说,根据这个探测器的轨道,还可以对它进行调整,使之“能够使用遮星板”。

    Depending on the probe 's orbit , said Dr. Seager , it could be also be made " starshade ready . "

  23. 讨论了遮热板对辐射热流密度的影响与它们的薄层干燥方程。

    Finally , the influence of plates for reducing radiation on 9 ( 1.2 ) and their thin drying equation have been discussed .

  24. 实验研究了堆芯补水箱上部加装遮流板时,饱和蒸汽在过冷液面上直接接触冷凝的瞬态特性。

    The transient characteristics of saturated steam directly concreting on the surface of sub - cooled liquid when sparger was added to CMT are studied .

  25. 在不同模型时,如:小破口排水、加装遮流板、使用多孔喷头对系统压力响应特性都有很大的影响。

    When used different models , such as small crevasse drain , with sparger and porous spout , the characteristics of pressure response will be affect largely .

  26. 从综合影响角度考虑,具有较小后遮流板内径的指尖密封体现出更为优良的低迟滞和低刚度的综合特性。

    After extensive analytical work , a significant conclusion can be arrived at that the finger seal assembled with aft cover plate of smaller bore diameter has better synthetical characteristics of low hysteresis and stiffness .

  27. 与无遮流板相比,实验初期水表面凝结换热系数降低76%~92%,总凝结量减少67%以上。

    Compared with the state of not using sparger , the heat transfer coefficient of concreting was reduced 76 % ~ 92 % , the total amount of concreted water was reduced more than 67 % .

  28. 研究表明,遮流板改变了蒸汽射流的方向,减弱了近液面层的波动,降低了蒸汽的凝结速率,使堆芯补水箱中热水层的厚度减小,系统压力响应时间缩短。

    It shows that the sparger changes the direction of steam moving , decreases the wave of liquid and the rate of steam concreting , which decreases the thickness of hot water layer in CMT and time of pressure response .

  29. 用一维非稳态导热方程来计算加遮流板不排水(有汽空间)热水层厚度,计算值落在预测值的±23%以内。

    The author used 1-dimensional unsteady state heat conduction equation to calculate the thickness of hot water layer , ( with sparger , without drain , with vapor space ) . All the experimental data fall in the ± 23 % predicted value .

  30. 遮帘式板码头作为新型的码头结构型式尚没有完善的设计与施工规范,原型监测显得尤为重要。

    The covered type of sheet pile wharf as a new type wharf is still lack of perfect design and construct norms . So the prototype observation is especially important .