
dào dé qíng cāo
  • moral sentiment;moral integrity
  1. 对《道德情操论》和《国富论》关系的理解

    How to comprehend relations of Theory of Moral Sentiment and Theory of National Wealth

  2. 校园文化是陶冶大学生道德情操,全面推进素质教育,培养学生创新能力不可缺少的重要形式。

    Campus culture is an indispensible form of molding college students ' moral sentiment .

  3. 论艺术美育对大学生道德情操的陶冶

    On the Moral Sentiments of College Students Molded by the Aesthetic Education

  4. 繁荣的大都市里,没有道德情操这一说。

    We do not look in our great cities for our best morality .

  5. 爱国,是一个民族最基本,最崇高的道德情操。

    Patriotism , is a nation the most basic , the most noble sentiments .

  6. 唱歌教学在培养学生良好的道德情操和思想感情方面具有重要作用。

    Singing plays an important role in cultivating students ' good morality and feeling .

  7. 其次,揭示当代大学生道德情操的基本内涵;

    Secondly , revealing the means of modern university students moral and feeling development .

  8. 先秦儒家伦理思想与当代大学生道德情操塑造

    The Confucianism 's Ethics in Pre-Qin Dynasty and Moral Development and Feeling Model of University Students

  9. 偏重政策、法规方面的教育,忽略道德情操的培养;

    It focused on education on policy and laws but neglected development of ideology and morality ;

  10. 从高校武术普修课教学中存在的问题入手,论述了注重学生武术道德情操,意志品质素质的培养;

    This article deals with the problems existed in the teaching of martial arts course in university .

  11. 一方面,该片歌颂促进友谊的伟大道德情操,体现了竞争和胜利的快乐。

    For one , it presents a great moral promoting friendship and joy over competition and victory .

  12. 假若君主不具备这种高尚的道德情操,那么他手中握有的政治权力也就是不合理的存在。

    The political power was unreasonable if the monarch was not equipped with this kind of moral .

  13. 在《道德情操论》中,斯密关注的是道德源泉、道德判断和行为动机。

    In Theory of Moral Sentiments Smith is concerned about the moral source moral judgments , and motives .

  14. 班主任的道德情操、学识能力、性格气质、行为习惯都会潜移默化地影响学生个性的发展。

    Their morality , knowledge , personality , behavior and habits unconsciously affect the students ' personality development .

  15. 医学教育作为特殊的专业教育,医学生必须具备高尚的道德情操和文化素养。

    Medical students must possess noble moral sentiments and humanistic quality because of the specialty of medical education .

  16. 亚当·斯密《道德情操论》的人性结构理论研究

    The Research on Adam Smith 's Theory of Structure of Human Nature in the Theory of Moral Sentiments

  17. 在简单的回顾总结的基础上,作者比较详细地解读了斯密主要的伦理学著作《道德情操论》的文本。

    Under this trajectory , Smith 's main ethics work The Theory of Moral Sentiments is explicated in details .

  18. 作为未来的人民教师,对于他们来说,不但要有渊博的知识,而且更要有高尚的道德情操。

    As the would be teachers , they should possess the moral nobility as well as the profound knowledge .

  19. 一个国家的实力不仅表现在经济上,而且表现在国民素质、文化发展和道德情操上。

    I believe a country should not only be economically strong but also and more importantly be culturally strong .

  20. 作为雅文化的元素符号,雪是道德情操的象征,呈现冷色调的美感。

    " Snow ", as a symbol of elegant culture , symbolizes nobleness , with the sense of cold beauty .

  21. 换句话说,需要上帝来将道德情操从主观感觉转变为客观要求。

    In other words , God is needed to transform moral sentiment from a subjective feeling into an objective requirement .

  22. 亚当·斯密《道德情操论》对我国道德建设的启示

    The Enlightenment of 《 The Theory of Moral Sentiments 》 of Adam · Smith for Moral Construction of Our Country

  23. 这里所谓的期待视野,包括人们的思想观念、道德情操,审美趣味,同时也包括人们的直觉能力和接受水平。

    Here Horizon of Expectation refers to thoughts , moral values , aesthetic level , and intuition and reception level .

  24. 大学生参加社会实践活动能够通过获得的缄默知识,培养高尚的道德情操;

    College students can cultivate noble moral sentiment through participating in social practice by the reticent knowledge they have gained .

  25. 注重道德情操,赞美情深义重的亲情和友情,弘扬刻苦耐劳的传统精神,是张欣小说主人公塑造的审美理性观照。

    Valuing moral sentiments , praising consanguinity and friendship and extolling traditional hardy spirits characterize the roles in Zhang 's novels .

  26. 另一方面在于陶冶人的道德情操,满足人超越物质层面的精神需要。

    The other is to mold the morality and sentiment for a person to meet the spiritual need of exceeding the material level .

  27. 被简单化和绝对化的自利和无私的二元分立,必然造成商业原则和道德情操的互相排斥。

    The oversimplification and radicalization of the binary opposition between self-interest and selflessness must lead to mutual exclusion between business principles and moral sentiments .

  28. 要把技能技巧、道德情操、思维方法的教育始终贯彻到英语教学的全过程。

    The specialized technique teaching , morality teaching and teaching of mode of thinking are needed in the whole process of college English teaching .

  29. 亚当。斯密在《道德情操论》中就效用对赞同情感的影响提出了自己的独特看法。

    Adam Smith proposes a distinct perspective of " the effect of utility upon the sentiment of approbation " in The Theory of Moral Sentiments .

  30. 高职院校开展人文素质教育对促进学生全面、健康发展,培养学生高尚道德情操具有重要意义。

    Higher vocational colleges humanities quality education to promote the students ' overall and healthy development , raises the student noble moral sentiment has important significance .