- 网络moral decision;Moral Decision-making

He considered the state should follow rules when interfering individual . That is intervention should limited in outer activities necessary to protecting rights without damaging individual moral decision .
The value clarification school tried to help students to clarify their values with their teaching scheme , so they could make their moral decision according to the values they chose .
Based on the theory of volitionism , the doctrine advocated personality liberation and moral omnipotence .
What 's more , most of the new-Confucianists are moral determinists . This decides that the theories they preach to a great degree are not the driving force but the great obstacles to the development of modernization .
So the core task of reasoning is to guide students to understand the inherent link between moral principles and moral decisions . However , relying on the education of principle merely could not help students to cope with moral problems which contain principle conflicts .
Moral quality decides and influences students ' study attitudes .
Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems .
The book focuses on five areas : how young adults make ethical decisions ;
Whatever new technology is introduced , it is not for scientists to make moral or ethical decisions .
An ethics committee decided on Sunday Sepp Blatter had no case to answer in a bribes-for-votes case .
These two answers have something in common : with both of them , the science conveniently supports the moral decision .
Attribute determines function . Moral attribute of NGOs determines its moral integration function , which is the external manifestation of moral integration .
In the end , if a person or a group stands to benefit from a morally upright or ethical decision then the decision is deemed wise .
Political leaders or people of power may make risky or unethical decisions as a result of narcissism , while narcissistic partners could be unfaithful and dishonest .
The description of " the finite rational being " isn 't the whole of person , which could approach the highest good incessantly . We should be only determined by the moral law to expose our dignities !
And when the moral principle decides our motives , we can become a moral person .
The importance of establishing volunteering culture consciousness lies in the diverse lifestyles , the various values and the multiple moral selections .
People 's values define what they want personally , but morals define what the society around those people want for them .
The possession of ideal morality and personality by modern undergraduates has a direct effect on the construction of the modernizations of socialism .
Marx and Engels restated that morality is restricted by the system of possession that decides social economic relations and influences interpersonal relations of various kinds .
Society and other people and communication subject 's the moral evaluation are determining factors in judging moral value of newsworthy facts information that is widely disseminated to the public by news media .
As a main domain of the activities of market economy , the level of professional ethics in accounting not only decides the future of it , but also influences the basis of market economy operation .
In this period , as an important field of a market economy , the level of professional ethics in accounting business not only decides the future of its developing , but also influences the basis of market economy operation and the building of a harmonious society .
The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him
At different points during this module , you will be asked to make ethical , business decisions .
In some sense , the level of professional ethics of judges decided the results of law enforcement .
Companies must recognize commercial morality by considering the moral , economic , and legal aspects of every decision they make .
While the breach of basic human nature and morality also decide it unable to apply in our country for a long period .
The reciprocal relationship between the law and morality determines the inevitable outcome of the elementary legal courses to function for the purpose of moral education .
The experiment depicts 13 variations of the trolley problem - a classic dilemma in ethics that involves deciding who will die under the wheels of a runaway tram .