
luó ji xué jiā
  • logician
  1. 伍非百先生是中国近、现代著名的墨学家和逻辑学家

    Mister Wu Feibai is a famous Mohist and logician in Chinese modern and contemporary history .

  2. 很多人都听说过艾伦·图灵(AlanTuring),知道他是一位数学家和逻辑学家,在1935年发明了现代计算。

    Many have heard of Alan Turing , the mathematician and logician who invented modern computing in 1935 .

  3. 现代的逻辑学家仅仅把它看作同义反复。

    Modern logicians regard it as little more than tautology .

  4. 现代的逻辑学家认为它是同义反复的。

    Modern logicians think it is tautological .

  5. 同样来自哥廷根的瑞士逻辑学家P.博内斯,是希尔伯特的亲密伙伴,也已经回到了苏黎世。

    The Swiss logician P. Bernays , a close associate of Hilbert , and another exile from Gttingen , had returned to Z ü rich .

  6. 贝特兰·阿瑟·威廉·罗素(BertrandArthurWilliamRussell,1872-1970)是20世纪西方著名的哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家。

    Bertrand Arthur William Russell ( 1872-1970 ) is a famous philosopher , mathematician and logician of the 20th century in the west .

  7. 纳尔逊·古德曼(NelsonGoodman),美国哲学家、逻辑学家,是新实用主义和逻辑实用主义的代表。

    Nelson Goodman is an American philosopher and logician . He is the representative of New Pragmatism and Logical Pragmatism .

  8. 1947年,伟大的奥地利逻辑学家库尔特•哥德尔(KurtGödel)前往美国新泽西州特伦顿(Trenton)参加听证会,以获得美国国籍。

    In 1947 , the great Austrian logician Kurt G ö del went to a hearing in Trenton , New Jersey , to acquire American citizenship .

  9. 1947年,伟大的奥地利逻辑学家库尔特哥德尔(kurtgdel)前往美国新泽西州特伦顿(trenton)参加听证会,以获得美国国籍。

    In 1947 , the great Austrian logician Kurt Gdel went to a hearing in Trenton , New Jersey , to acquire American citizenship .

  10. 现在人们广泛使用的是SDL系统(标准道义逻辑系统),但SDL系统都受到一系列悖论的困扰,其中最让逻辑学家头痛的就是CTD悖论。

    Now what the people widely use is the SDL system ( standard deontic logic system ), but the SDL system receives a series of paradoxes , in which most lets the logician headache is the CTD paradox .

  11. 有效性是逻辑学家的兴趣,因为有效性保存真理。

    Validity is an interest to logicians because validity preserves truth .

  12. 至于逻辑学家,哥德尔已经回到捷克斯洛伐克了。

    As for the logicians , Gdel had returned to Czechoslovakia .

  13. 早在1958年,著名逻辑学家C。

    As far back as 1958 , the famous logician C.

  14. 一个逻辑学家应该可以从一滴水

    From a drop of water a logician should be able to infer

  15. 苏珊·哈克是当代著名的哲学家、逻辑学家,新古典实用主义的杰出代表。

    Susan Haack is famous as contemporary philosopher , logician and neo-pragmatist .

  16. 从古至今,无论是逻辑学家还是哲学家都没有停止对真理的追求。

    From ancient to modern , logician and philosopher never stop pursuing truth .

  17. 指示语一直是哲学家、语言学家和逻辑学家感兴趣的话题。

    Deixis has been of great interest to philosophers , linguists and logicians .

  18. 这些问题得到了当代语言哲学家以及逻辑学家的密切关注。

    The contemporary language philosopher and logician pay close attention to these questions .

  19. 伯兰特·罗素是英国著名的哲学家、逻辑学家、数学家和教育家。

    Bertrand Russell was a famous mathematician , philosopher and educator in Britain .

  20. 他首先是一个逻辑学家。

    First and foremost he is a logician .

  21. 如果您路过北京,愿意跟北京的青年逻辑学家们讨论您的想法。

    YOU want to share your thoughts with young logicians when you visit Beijing .

  22. 从古希腊开始,人的思维一直为哲学家所讨论,并由逻辑学家系统化。

    Thinking has been discussed by philosophers and systematized by logicians ever since the ancient greeks .

  23. 学生:是的,教授:逻辑学家的感觉很好不是吗?

    Student : Yes Prof : It 's good in the logicians sense isn 't it ?

  24. 创始人是美国著名的逻辑学家J。

    The founder is famous logician J.

  25. 熟练于辩证的逻辑学家。

    A logician skilled in dialectic .

  26. 众多的哲学家、逻辑学家对这个问题进行过不同程度的关注和研究。

    A large number of philosophers , logicians had devoted to this issue in different degrees .

  27. 但其他逻辑学家觉得,逻辑类别的层次性真的是个很自然的想法,

    Other logicians had felt that a hierarchy of logical categories was really quite a natural idea ,

  28. 关于语义预设,语言学家和逻辑学家有不同的说法,但其实质是一样的。

    Although Linguists and logicians give different definitions of presupposition , they are the same in essence .

  29. 十多年前,就有逻辑学家提出这个问题,也有人提出中国古来就没有哲学!

    It was put forward a decade ago as well as another argument that China had no philosophy .

  30. 而在现代,功能主义发源于英国数学家、逻辑学家图灵(A.Turing)。

    In modern times , A. Turing , the British mathematician and logician , is the father of functionalism .