- 网络Encyclical

[encyclical] (如由主教或高级教会机构发出的)关于处理一个重大的或当时认为是严重的事件的广为传布的文件;特指由教皇发出的这种通谕
Pope Francis 's forthcoming encyclical on climate change and nature looks set to be one of the defining statements of his pontificate .
Pope Francis will call for a drastic reduction in carbon emissions and lash out against economic powers that are opposing efforts to combat climate change , according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment .
It gives a lot of cover to political and economic leaders in those countries , as they make decisions on climate change policy , said Timothy Wirth , vice chairman of the United Nations Foundation .
I am not a student of theology and therefore do not claim to understand the subtleties of the Catholic Church 's teaching on science .
Francis , the first pope from the developing world , used the encyclical titled Laudato Si ', or Praise Be to You to highlight the crisis posed by climate change .
Pope Francis will call for a " drastic reduction " in carbon emissions and lash out against " economic powers " that are opposing efforts to combat climate change , according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment .
Buried deep in the Encyclical Letter issued on the eve of the G8 Summit , Pope Benedict XVI warns : Sometimes modern man is wrongly convinced that he is the sole author of himself , his life and society .
The shocking thing about the papal encyclical Laudate Si is not that it was leaked in advance nor even that it embraces the idea that most emissions of greenhouse gases are the result of human activity .
Francis , the first pope from the developing world , used the encyclical - titled " Laudato Si , " " or " Praise Be to You " - to highlight the crisis posed by climate change .
In " Laudato Si " ( Be Praised ) , to be published tomorrow but some of whose contents have been leaked in advance , the Pope has thrown his weight behind the nostrums of climate science .
The Vatican was due to publish the document - which counts as the highest form of papal teaching in the Catholic Church - on Thursday , but Italian magazine L'Espresso released a 192-page version on Monday .
Pope John Paul II , Encyclical letter : Faith and Reason , 1998 .
The encyclical undermines their efforts .
Encyclicals are letters to the clergy and laity of the church that are considered authoritative .
The encyclical implies that climate change is a problem of the rich world consuming too much .
This is one among many examples of a critique of science that runs through the whole document .
Even before the full text has been published , it is already attracting a great deal of debate .
Francis tapped a wide variety of sources in his encyclical , partly to underscore the universality of his message .
The breach led to speculation that opponents of Francis inside the Vatican wanted to embarrass him by undermining the release .
But if you read the encyclical there is a flaw in the argument that undermines the credibility of the whole text .
The Vatican released the encyclical at noon on Thursday , three days after an Italian magazine posted a leaked draft online , to the fury of Vatican officials .
Even so , religious figures , environmentalists , scientists , executives and elected officials around the world awaited the official release , and scheduled news conferences or issued statements afterward .
In1922 , gang heng-yi , a senior representative from Roman Catholic church , came to China for the imperial decree fuzhida and held , in1924 , the first conference of Chinese educational administration .