
  • 网络Diego
  1. 古铁雷斯希望历史重演,他告诉墨西哥人迭戈马拉多纳的球队在获得B组第一后变得越来越强。

    Gutierrez is hoping history repeats itself and has told the Mexicans that Diego Maradona 's Group B table-toppers are set to get stronger and stronger .

  2. 指挥此次发掘工作的考古学家迭戈•巴坎(DiegoBarkan)认为,这个古代大陶瓷盆原来就是酿造啤酒用的。

    According to archaeologist Diego Barkan , who directed the excavation , the large ceramic basins were used to make ale .

  3. 在这次发现中,大量令人筋疲力尽的发掘工作都是由阿根廷埃吉迪奥·费鲁利奥古生物学博物馆(PaleontologicalMuseumEgidioFeruglio)的古生物学家若泽·路易斯·卡瓦利多(JoséLuisCarballido)和迭戈·布勒(DiegoPol)带领的团队完成的。

    Much of the grueling excavation leading to the discovery was done by teams led by Jos é Luis Carballido and Diego Pol , paleontologists at Paleontological Museum Egidio Feruglio in Argentina .

  4. 迭戈的家庭儿科医生、美国运动协会(AmericanCouncilonExercise)(这是一家提供健身认证和训练的非盈利机构)医疗保健解决方案负责人纳塔莉・穆特(NatalieMuth)称,久坐会让人感觉更加疲惫。

    Sitting for a long stretch of time can make people feel more tired , says Natalie Muth , a San Diego primary-care pediatrician and health-care solutions director at the American Council on Exercise , a nonprofit that provides fitness certification and training .

  5. 加州迭戈职业专家、专门研究关系管理问题的马斯拉奇(TanyaMaslach)建议,要正式,和老板约个时间。

    Be formal and make an appointment with your boss , ' recommends Tanya Maslach , a San Diego , Calif. , career expert who specializes in relationship management issues . '

  6. 没有人相信自己作品是完美的,除了迭戈。

    Nobody really thinks their own stuff is good except diego .

  7. 迭戈会说英语还是你在帮他翻译?

    Does Diego speak English or is it you translating for him ?

  8. 亲爱的迭戈:你好吗?大肚腩?

    ' 'dear diego , how are you , panzon ?

  9. 曼尼,迭戈和我你更喜欢哪一个?

    Manny , who do you like better , me or diego ?

  10. 我们把这个位置留给迭戈,他的能力是独一无二无人能及的。

    We leave sideways to maradona , that is of another planet .

  11. 迭戈,这封信是骗人的。

    ' 'diego , this letter is a lie .

  12. 迭戈说他想他不会走。

    Diego says he doesnt think he would leave .

  13. 既然能够支撑你,那么就可以支持一个小迭戈。

    LF it can take you , it can take a little dieguito .

  14. 尤文图斯在追逐不莱梅的前腰迭戈。

    Juventus chiefs are following Werder Bremen inside-forward diego .

  15. 你应该查查马拉多纳,迭戈·马拉多纳。

    You should look up Maradona . Diego Maradona .

  16. 我需要与迭戈进行次谈话,去了解他的想法。

    I need to talk with Diego and to know what he wants .

  17. 迭戈:短短六个月内竟有三个!

    Diego : That 's three in six months !

  18. 迭戈不会成为任何人的丈夫。

    Diego will never be anyone 's husband .

  19. 我在帮迭戈翻译。

    Jajajjajdiegomalaka : I am translating for diego .

  20. 迭戈将在明晚赛后前往切塞纳接受体检。

    Diego will travel to Cesena after the game tomorrow night for a medical .

  21. 译文迭戈很高兴自己能与尤文图斯的传奇普拉蒂尼和齐达内比较。

    Diego is delighted with comparisons with Juventus legends Zinedine Zidane and Michel Platini .

  22. 迭戈马拉多纳是八个孩子中的一个。

    Diego Maradona is one of eight children .

  23. 等等迭戈去哪了

    Wait a second ... Where is Diego ?

  24. 桑迭戈可以成为一个职业球员么?

    Can Santi make it as a professional ?

  25. 冠军联赛上,迭戈1人将国米中场玩得团团转。

    Champions League , 1 Diego will play Inter Milan midfielder lost in a fog .

  26. 知道啦天我听起来像迭戈

    Okay , Okay . Oh boy , I 'm starting to sound like Diego .

  27. 通过购买世界杯上黯淡无光的马竞前锋,迭戈科斯塔,切尔西已经聪明地投了保。

    By buying World Cup flop Diego Costa , Chelsea have cleverly insured against this .

  28. 迭戈马拉多纳用手攻入了关键一球,此举着实激怒了英国人。

    Diego Maradona enraged most of England when he scored a crucial goal with his hand .

  29. 他的外联工作包括会见贝特特达客的公益性服务总监迭戈·卡塔赫纳。

    His outreach efforts included a meeting with Bet Tzedek 's pro bono director , Diego Cartagena .

  30. 或迭戈,迭戈的横幅迎接国家队归来。

    Or Diego , Diego .