
  1. 一些连锁快餐店支付的工资较其他同行高。

    Some fast food shops pay higher wages than others .

  2. 随着公众对此问题的反感情绪不断升级,有越来越多的超市卷入争端,汉堡王连锁快餐店也牵涉其中。

    As revulsion over the issue grew , more supermarkets and fast food chain Burger King were drawn into the row .

  3. 但是,我通过这段经历学到了好多在这种环境中处理事情的能力。现在,我拥有一个连锁快餐店,在十六个城市都有分店。

    But this taught me lots of street smarts , and today I own a chain of fast-food restaurants in sixteen different cities .

  4. 这位老总对面条情有独钟,后来他开了一家卖面条的连锁快餐店,为工厂下岗职工提供就业岗位。

    The CEO had a passion for noodles , so he ended up opening a chain of fast-food noodle houses that would offer jobs to laid-off factory workers .

  5. 伦敦&沿着购物街向下,一群年轻人,穿着松松垮垮的短裤,脚踩溜冰板,满嘴粗话,拥挤在一块,慌张地穿行在连锁快餐店之间。

    LONDON-Down in the mall , between the fast-food joint and the bagel shop , a group of young people huddles in a flurry of baggy combat pants , skateboards , and slang .

  6. 报道称,百胜物流中心把鸡运送到包括肯德基快餐连锁店等快餐店。

    The logistics center of Yum then delivered the chicken to its fast-food stores , including KFCs , the report said .

  7. 他说,天使投资人一般都喜欢那些可以连锁经营的快餐店或是休闲餐厅;而那些对某位大厨有着严重依赖的精致美食餐厅风险就有些高。

    Angel investors typically like fast-food or casual-dining concepts that can be built into a chain ; fine-dining establishments built around one chef 's personality are usually deemed too risky , he says .

  8. 与此同时,其它餐饮连锁店也开始插足必胜客的领地:12月,契普多墨西哥连锁快餐店(ChipotleMexicanGrill)入股了一家小型快餐连锁店PizzeriaLocale,现在正在建设分店。

    Meanwhile , other restaurant chains are muscling in on Pizza Hut 's turf : In December , Chipotle Mexican Grill CMG - 1.17 % took a stake in a small chain called Pizzeria Locale , and is adding new outlets .