
  • 网络Remote service system;PRS;HERSS;Internet & Tele-based DICOM Server;Tele-based DICOM Server
  1. PLC接入远程服务系统的方案及其实现

    The-Schemes and Realization of the Link between PLC & Tele Service System

  2. 本文以快速成型制造中心为对象,研究了基于WEB的快速成型制造远程服务系统。

    In this article , we study the remote RP service system based on Web around a RP manufacturing center .

  3. 文章介绍了制造业远程服务系统的功能,提出了通过J2EE平台集成现有企业信息系统。

    This paper introduces the function of teleservice system of manufacturing enterprises , and puts forward the integration of existing EISs based on J2EE platform .

  4. 在传统应用体系的基础上,提出了一种新的基于J2EE平台的制造业远程服务系统集成体系。

    On the base of the traditional application system , we puts forward a new teleservice system of manufacturing enterprises based on the J2EE platform .

  5. 利用WebServices技术开发数控机床分布式远程服务系统,可以完全实现远程服务系统面向服务定制机制、事务处理的完全非集中分布式、体系的松耦合结构。

    The distributed remote service system of CNC machine tool based on Web services technology can ensure to realize the customized service-oriented mechanism , the fully distributed transaction processing function , and the loosely-coupled system structure .

  6. 本文分析了具有扩展功能的Internet的远程服务系统及其海量信息数据的安全管理要求,结合当前先进的多层分布式计算概念,给出了系统的总体设计方案。

    After analyzing the system based Internet remote service with expanding function , as well as demand of system security management of mass data , combining currently advanced conception of multilayer-distributed application , this paper presents a rational general system 's scheme .

  7. 制造企业数字化远程服务系统的现场设备接入

    Equipment access of digital teleservice system in manufacture enterprise

  8. 支持产品生命周期的远程服务系统研究与开发

    Tele - service system supporting product lifecycle Service s

  9. 支持敏捷供应链管理的远程服务系统

    Teleservice Supporting System for Agile Supply Chain Management

  10. 面向产品全生命周期的数字化远程服务系统

    A Product-life cycle-oriented Digital Tele service System

  11. 建立远程服务系统的研究

    Study on Establishing of Teleservice

  12. 制造业远程服务系统作为一种全新的概念随着信息技术和网络技术的发展而提出。

    Teleservice system as a new concept was proposed with the development of information technology and network technology .

  13. 此外,结合模糊推理机制,采用B/S结构,开发了专家系统模块,并与其他功能子模块成功的集成在一起形成企业远程服务系统。

    In addition , a expert system module is developed based on B / S structure by the application of fuzzy inference model . An enterprises remote servicing system is integrated with other functional sub module .

  14. 基于Internet的远程客户服务系统体系结构与关键技术

    The Architecture and Key Technologies of Remote Customer Service System Based on Internet

  15. 基于Web的快速模具远程制造服务系统

    Web-based tele-manufacturing service system of rapid tooling

  16. Internet技术应用于远程气象服务系统的研制中。

    The technology of Internet was used in the meteorological service system for the Long-range terminal .

  17. 基于ASP模式的CAE远程信息化服务系统

    Research on CAE remote informationization service systems based on ASP

  18. 基于GPRS的远程数据服务系统设计与应用

    Design and Application of Teledata Service System Based on GPRS

  19. 根据Web技术、B/S模式结构和产品维修过程提出基于网络的产品远程维修服务系统的体系结构。

    According to B / S model , the author puts forward the system structure of automatic generation of product maintenance process based on network .

  20. 基于OSGi平台家庭网关的远程监控服务系统

    Remote surveillance system on home gateway with OSGi platform

  21. 提出一种基于web挖掘的个性化远程教学服务系统模型,重点阐述模型结构及功能,并介绍所用到的关键挖掘算法。

    A model of personalized distance teaching service system in a web environment is presented in this paper , and the structure and functions of the model and key mining algorithm are mainly described .

  22. 提出了基于Internet设备远程维修服务系统的新模式,介绍了该系统的主要功能,并讨论了其中的关键技术。

    An Internet-based new mode of remote maintenance and service system for equipment is presented in this pa-per . The main functions in this system are introduced and the key techniques for this system are discussed .

  23. 为了实现注射成型与模具协同设计,参照应用服务器提供商运行模式和B/S计算模式,提出了在Web技术基础上构建注射成型模具设计远程技术服务系统的具体方案。

    In order to realize injecting forming and injecting mould design , the concrete scheme of the remote technique-service system of injecting mould design is put forward with references of service provider ′ s operation and B / S calculation and based on Web technique .

  24. 结合广钢总降压站供电监控系统(PDMS)改造实例,设计了一种远程访问服务系统配置方案,并介绍系统详细的调试方法。

    The configuration of RAS application according to the PDMS in the GSIC is introduced and the multi remote monitor system is proved economic and reliable .

  25. 根据制造业中小企业的需要,研究了CAE技术和ASP模式的特点,得出了基于ASP模式的远程CAE服务系统的可行性与优势;

    This paper main work as follows : ( 1 ) According to the need of small and medium-sized enterprise in manufacturing industry , this paper studies the CAE technology and the ASP pattern characteristic , obtaining long-distance CAE service system feasibility and the superiority ;

  26. 介绍了基于网络分布环境的远程打印服务系统(RLP)的设计目的、功能、结构和基本工作流程;

    This paper presents RLP , a remote printing service system . The target , function , structure , and processing procedures of RLP are introduced .

  27. 农作物病虫害防治远程咨询服务系统的开发及有关的政策建议

    Web-database System for Consultancy on Crop Pests : Development and Suggestions

  28. 基于学科领域知识库的远程教学服务系统

    A Platform for E-learning Service Based on Domain Course Knowledge Repository

  29. 设备远程维修服务系统的新模式

    Constructing a New Mode of Remote Maintenance and Service System for Equipment

  30. 面向数控设备的通用化远程服务专家系统的研究

    Researching on general remote server expert system for numerical machine