
  • 网络evolutional speed;evolution speed;evolutionary rate;speed of evolution
  1. 它们的进化速度看来确实是慢下来了。

    Their evolutionary rate does seem to have slowed down .

  2. 对测试函数的仿真实验表明,与对比方法相比较,DSPSO算法具有更好的收敛精度和更快的进化速度。

    The simulation test shows : compared with the contrast method , DS-PSO algorithm has better convergence accuracy and higher evolution velocity .

  3. 在线粒体DNA上,D-环是整个线粒体基因组序列和长度变异最大的区域,其进化速度最快,一般用于种内种群间的系统研究。

    The D-loop of the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) is the largest regional variations . For its fast evolution , it can be generally used in the system researches in or between species .

  4. 不同的选择压力使得GI的进化速度相对较快,从而加速了黄山松和马尾松的物种分化。

    Thus we speculate that GI ( control of flowering time ) may have experienced speciation-related selection , which further accelerated its lineage-sorting divergence between the species .

  5. 但是SOFM神经网络的竞争自学习过程中对权值的更新缺乏全局最优性,而传统GA优化方法进化速度慢和产生早熟现象。

    But the process of weight updated to SOFM neural network self-learning lacks of global optimal . The evolution of optimization method by traditional GA is slow and has premature phenomenon .

  6. 笔者改进了Michalewicz提出的压缩遗传算法(cmGA),得到严格非膨胀遗传算法(nmGA),nmGA既消除了cmGA中人工参数的困难,又提高了进化速度。

    In this paper , we improved the contractive mapping genetic algorithm ( cmGA ) and got a non-expansive mapping genetic algorithm ( nmGA ), which can overcome the difficulty brought by the artificial parameter in cmGA as well as get faster evolution speed .

  7. 虚拟可重构电路结构对进化速度影响的研究

    Investigation on the Influence of VRC Structure on Evolutional Speed

  8. 选择算子对演化硬件进化速度影响的研究

    Investigation on the Influence of Selection Operator on Evolutional Speed of Evolvable Hardware

  9. 并结合临床资料对变异毒株进行进化速度分析。

    The molecular evolution in speed was carried out by way of analyzing the clinical data .

  10. 他想在他被证明错误之前先看到接下来的对进化速度比较慢的生物的研究。

    He would like to see a follow-up study of slower-evolving creatures before he will be won over .

  11. 人们普遍认为不同的地质时期进化速度不同。

    It is generally believed that rate at which evolution operates has varied appreciably during different periods of geologic time .

  12. 在网络的发展过程中,应该通过调整聚集能力级来调整集群创新网络的进化速度。

    During the network development , the adjustment should be gathered for improving the evolution speed of cluster innovation network .

  13. 构造了小生境对,通过适应度函数加强了小生境群体间的横向联系,使得优良个体得到流通,协调了群体的进化速度;

    The niche couples strengthen the contact of the two niche groups , by which the best individual can be shared ;

  14. 初步的实验结果表明该模型可以加快神经网络的进化速度,提高进化的效率。

    The initial results of experiments indicate that the parallel model can quicken the searching process and improve the evolutionary efficiency .

  15. 实验表明,该算法与传统遗传算法相比,提高了进化速度和全局寻优能力。

    The experiments indicate that the new algorithms can improve the evolution speed and the abilities of seeking the global excellent result .

  16. 这种缓慢的进化速度是与熊猫是“活化石”这个概念一致的,王说。

    This slow rate of evolution is consistent with the notion that the panda is a " living fossil ," says Wang .

  17. 进一步算法性能分析证明了论文中所设计的改进的算法不仅能增强算法的全局收敛性,还能加快遗传进化速度,得到较为满意的全局最优解。

    The performance analysis of the algorithms proves that its convergent speed are improved , and the better globally optimal solutions are achieved .

  18. 再引入参数不敏感变化步长概念以改进遗传算子,加快进化速度。

    By introducing the concept of the insensitive variance step of parameters , we improve the genetic operators to speed up evolution speed .

  19. 实验结果表明,针对不同测试函数,新算法在收敛精度和进化速度方面有明显优势。

    The results show that the new algorithm has obvious advantage in the convergence accuracy and the evolution velocity to different test functions . 3 .

  20. 你们的目标是以一种方式来体验,提升你们的进化速度,因此它们选择了对你们有最大裨益的生命之路。

    Your aim is to experience in a way that speeds up your evolution , therefore they are carefully chosen for maximum benefit to you .

  21. 研究者称人类的进化速度远比过去要快,各个不同的大陆的居民彼此之间越来越不同。

    People are evolving more rapidly than in the distant past , with residents of various continents becoming increasingly different from one another , researchers say .

  22. 在粒子群算法迭代过程中应用变异操作更新进化速度缓慢的粒子,增强了算法的搜索能力;

    In the iteration of particle swarm optimization the slow evolution particles are renewed by mutation operation , so the search capability of the algorithm is enhanced ;

  23. 来自牛津大学的科学家称,狗是人类最好的朋友,经过数百万年,它智力的进化速度比喜欢独居的猫快得多。

    The intelligence of man 's best friend has evolved at a greater rate than the less social cat over millions of years , scientists at Oxford University claim .

  24. 但由于生物防治和化学防治中杀虫剂的广泛使用及滥用,使得蚊虫不仅对杀虫剂产生不同程度抗性,而且也加快了蚊虫体内抗性基因的进化速度。

    However , the widely use of chemical pesticides not only cause the mosquito resistant to pesticides to some extent , but also accelerate the evolution speed of resistant gene .

  25. 研究人员于今日宣布,了解两者间何时分化既会增加我们对生物进化速度的了解,同时对宇宙中其他地方存在智慧生物的设想也有重要意义。

    Knowing when the two split has implication both for understanding how quickly evolution works and for imagining the likelihood of intelligent beings elsewhere in the universe , researchers said today .

  26. 常规遗传算法采用恒定的选择压力和变异概率,后期进化速度较慢,对于复杂优化问题通常难以获得高质量的解。

    Common GA adopts constant selection pressure and mutation probability , which evolves slowly in the later , so it is usually hard to obtain high - quality solution for complicated optimization problem .

  27. 有些因此着迷的人将这种技术上的爆发与5亿年前的寒武纪(生命)大爆发比连到一起。那时候,地球上的进化速度出现加速,有部分原因就是由于细胞已经有了完美的表现和标准的形态。

    Some excited people have likened this technological upheaval to the Cambrian explosion 500m years ago , when evolution on Earth speeded up in part because the cell had been perfected and standardised .

  28. 改进后的遗传算法能在全局最优解的搜索角度和算法的进化速度方面来提高遗传算法的性能,提高了传统遗传算法的局部寻优能力,可以在保证效率的情况下取得更优解。

    The improved genetic algorithm can enhance the performance in searching globally optimal solution and improving the rate of evolution , improve the local optimization ability and get the more optimal solution with guaranteed efficiency .

  29. 在该算法中引入了参数粒子群进化速度因子和聚集度因子,并根据这2个参数对粒子群算法搜索能力的影响,将惯性因子表示为粒子群进化速度因子和聚集度因子的函数。

    The evolution speed factor and aggregation degree factor of the swarm are introduced in this new algorithm and the weight is formulated as a function of these two factors according to their impact on the search performance of the swarm .

  30. 算法以较快的进化速度收敛,并且用户每次只需要选择2个左右最感兴趣的个体,使得评价具有易操作性和轻松性,从而有效缓解用户的疲劳。

    The proposed algorithm obtains quick speed of convergence , and the user only needs selecting about two mostly interesting individuals in every evolutionary procedure , which leads to the work of evaluating easy and tractable and contributes to overcome human fatigue .