
  • 网络custom clearance;customs agent
  1. 组织公司进出口报关工作,与海关、检等建立良好的业务关系,确保进出报关渠道的通畅。

    Organize customs clearance ; make good relationship with Customs etc to ensure customs clearance smoothly .

  2. 专业为各贸易商或生产厂家代理货物进出口报关、货物运输等有关业务。

    Professional for the traders or manufacturers agent import and export customs clearance , cargo transportation and other related business .

  3. 年内,由于实施电子资料联通,令进出口报关的程序得以简化。

    Procedures for the submission of import and export declarations were streamlined during the year by the introduction of EDI .

  4. 上一年度代理申报的进出口报关差错率在10%以上的;

    Having the error rate of import and export declaration under its agency at10 % or above during the previous year ;

  5. 建设进出口商品报关模拟实验室的探讨

    Discussion about the Establishment of Simulative Laboratory of Commodity Customs Clearance

  6. 属于一般贸易进出口货物的报关;B。

    Of a general trade import and export goods declaration ; B.

  7. 国内消费商品进口报关单为展商提供进出口货物的报关服务。

    Internal consumption entry slip Provide customs applying service of imported and exported goods for exhibitor .

  8. 代理进出口货物的报关、转关、报验、报检、服检业务;以及进出口业务咨询服务等。

    The Acting import and export goods declaration , transfer , the report found , imported feed issued , serving Inspection operations ; And the import and export business advisory services .

  9. 对外贸易经营者未按照规定办理备案登记的,海关不予办理进出口货物的报关验放手续。

    Where a foreign trade dealer fails to register as required by regulations , the Customs shall not process the procedures of declaration , inspection and release for the import or export of goods .

  10. 很荣幸我因熟悉进出口物流及报关业务而进入了中国区配送中心选址的项目专家组,参与了此项目整个过程。

    It is an honor that I joined the Chinese Distribution Center project experts team and involved in the whole process of this project due to I was familiar with the logistics and customs import and export business .

  11. 熟悉海关、商检等进出口流程,具备报关报检员证优先。

    Familiar with the procedure of Customs , CCIB etc , candidates with Customs and CCIB declaration Certification preferred .

  12. 承办进出口集装箱货物的报关、检、输,租船订舱等门到门服务。

    Undertake the customs declaration , inspection declaration , transportation and chartering ship and booking cargo space and other gate-to gate service .

  13. 服务特色:进出口代理;代理报关,代理报检,仓储,国际联运;越南市场开发和代理。

    Services : import and export agent ; customs agent , the agent inspection , warehousing , international transport ; Vietnam to develop and market agent .

  14. 办理船舶进出港手续;提供进出口报关单证;代办动植物检验检疫;

    Animal and plant , health and quarantine clearance document could be handled ;

  15. 香港海关贸易管制处负责执行各项贸易管制制度,包括签发产地来源证、纺织品进出口管制、战略物品管制及进出口报关等制度。

    The trade controls branch of the customs and Excise Department is responsible for enforcing various trade control systems , including the certification of origin system , the textiles import and export control system , the strategic commodities control system and the import and export declaration system .