
  1. 这样的路程对于将命运交给蛇头的蛇客来说,无疑是在过鬼门关。迪恩设法使蛇爬到外面的地上时,在蛇头的后部狠狠地一击,把蛇打死了。

    Such a journey is , Beyond doubt , a trying moment for immigrant smugglers who place their fate in the hands of organized traffickers . Dean got the snake to move out onto the floor , gave it one good whack be-hind the head and killed it .

  2. 这样的路程对于将命运交给蛇头的蛇客来说,无疑是在过“鬼门关”。

    Such a journey is , beyond doubt , a trying moment for immigrant smugglers who place their fate in the hands of organized traffickers .

  3. 相传人死后,过了鬼门关便上了黄泉路,路上盛开着只见花,不见叶的彼岸花。

    Legend has it that after death , the gates of hell will be on the netherworld Road , road is in full bloom and flowers , do not see the equinox flower leaf .