
  • 网络process loss
  1. 象群体思维(groupthink)这样的群体行为常常会影响群体决策不能够按照正常的程序进行,而且会产生负面的影响,导致过程损失并最终使决策失效。

    Those behaviors such as groupthink will influence the regular group decision making process and lead to negative influence and process losses that will induce the final decision fiascoes .

  2. 本实验中,被试在两种头脑风暴过程中都较少受到评价焦虑、社会惰化、打字速度等过程损失的影响,口头头脑风暴组受认知干扰的影响较大;

    In this study , students suffered little from such process losses as " evaluation apprehension ", " social loafing " or " typing speed " .

  3. 荔枝汁Vc不稳定,在贮藏过程中损失严重。

    The Vc in litchi juice is unstable and would lost seriously during the storage .

  4. 精制白喉毒素单纯用甲醛解毒,解毒过程Lf/ml损失平均为14.81%,Lf/mgPN下降平均为13%;

    During the course of detoxification of purified diphtheria toxin by using formalin alone , the average of loss rates of Lf / ml and Lf / mg PN were 14.81 % and 13 % , respectively .

  5. 烃源岩酸解过程中损失有机质的研究

    Organic Matter Loss during the Acidolysis of Hydrocarbon Source Rock

  6. 菜地土氮素的主要转化过程及其损失

    Nitrogen transformation and losses in soils grown with vegetables

  7. 结果芍药苷在水提取过程中损失率最高。

    Results The percentage loss of paeoniflorin was highest during extracting with water .

  8. 然而维生素在配合饲料生产过程中损失严重。

    However , Vitamins ' loss is serious during the manufacture of compound feeds .

  9. 绿茶汁蒸发浓缩过程品质损失动力学

    The kinetic model of quality loss of green tea infusion in evaporating concentration process

  10. 这些数据为研究腐蚀和磨损过程材料损失模型提供了研究基础。

    These data could be used to study the material weight-loss models in erosion-corrosion process .

  11. 白米通常再进行处理,以补充在加工过程中损失的营养。

    White rice is often ed to replace some nutrients lost during the refining process .

  12. 并且核桃毛油对自由基的清除能力强于精炼核桃油,分析其原因可能是核桃油精炼过程中损失的某些物质具有清除自由基的能力。

    Besides that , after refined , the ability of walnut oil to scavenge radicals declined .

  13. 芦丁和芦笋皂甙在贮藏过程中损失较大,其损失率和贮藏温度直接相关。

    Rutin and saponins contents reduced distinctly and the content loss was directly related to storage temperature .

  14. 但面包和蛋糕在老化过程中损失水分则造成质量缺陷。

    Bread and cake in the course of becoming stale lose some water and this is a quality defect .

  15. 研究发现,造成粮食在储存过程中损失的主要因素就是温度和水分。

    The previous study finds that the major factors resulting in the loss of grains in the storage are temperature and moisture content .

  16. 甚至连一颗超新星爆炸都无法完成这样的粒子加速任务,无论如何,如此高能的粒子应该会在传播过程中损失能量。

    Not even a supernova explosion is up to the task and , anyhow , particles of such potency should lose their energy in transit .

  17. 由于催化剂本身的活性组分几乎没有损失,再生操作也简便易行,再生过程中损失小。

    Due to its little loss of the active components , the regeneration operation is very simple and feasible with little loss during the regeneration process .

  18. 利用波导管技术可以有效地克服能量传输过程的损失,增强对油层的作用强度。

    With the application of waveguide technique , the energy loss during transmission can be effectively avoided and the functional intensity to oil layers can be strengthened .

  19. 其中灾害信息包括过程、损失、影响,说明民国时期传媒揭露灾情信息报道的详尽、及时。

    The disaster information includes process , loss and influences , proving that the media in the Republic of China revealed disaster Information accurately , detailedly and timely .

  20. 然而,由于粮仓中温度、湿度、害虫密度等因素对粮食品质的影响,我国每年在储存过程中损失的粮食就达几千万吨。

    Because temperature , humidity , pest density and other factors in granary make an impact on food quality , the annual crop damage of our country could reach ten-million tones .

  21. 生育酚总含量在精炼过程中损失率达到了49.19%,说明精炼工艺对浸出亚麻籽油营养活性成分影响很大。

    The refining process gave a vitamin E loss of up to49.19 % , indicating that the nutritional composition of solvent extraction-derived flaxseed oil was greatly affected by the refining process .

  22. 根据丙烯腈精制回收过程中损失机理的分析结果,优化了反应及回收单元的运行条件,使丙烯腈精制回收率从优化前的80.54%提高到92%,明显提高了丙烯腈装置的生产效益。

    The operating conditions were optimized after the loss mechanism of acrylonitrile purification was analyzed . The recovery was increased from 80.54 % to 92 % , the production benefits were increased a lot .

  23. 不过我敢保证,至少有与此相当的钱在聪明人试图为别人做好事实事的过程中损失掉了,这些人通常是某个委员会的一部分。

    But it is a safe bet that at least as many billions were lost by smart people trying to do good , honest work on behalf of others & usually as part of a committee .

  24. 以堆肥化过程氮素损失规律为基础,在模拟堆肥条件下,分别采用物理吸附材料、化学吸附材料和混合材料为固定剂,各种固定剂按不同比例梯度添加,进行氨的固定试验研究。

    Based on the law of nitrogen loss during composting , the nitrogen fixed efficiencies of using physisorption stuff , chemisorbed stuff and mixed stuff were studied under the conditions of stimulated composting at different scale .

  25. 实验表明,该方法具有评价结果稳定收敛,对门限参数敏感度低,虚拟社区形成过程中损失小,有利于新加入节点融入网络的优点。

    The simulation results show that the scheme is more stable in convergence , insensitive to threshold parameters , less on loss and advantageous to the new agent to join the network during emergence of virtual community .

  26. 香气是影响柑橘加工制品品质最重要的因素之一,然而柑橘的特征香气在其制品加工和贮藏过程中损失严重,极大地降低了柑橘加工制品的品质。

    Aroma is one of the most important attribute to orange products quality . Nevertheless , the characteristic aroma active compounds lost seriously during the process and storage of orange juice and that result in the quality deterioration .

  27. 果蔬农产品保鲜期短,极易腐烂,由于果蔬冷链体系不完善,作业环境不达标,冷藏运输率偏低,直接造成果蔬农产品在运输过程中损失严重。

    Fruits vegetables easy rotting and Minimal short , extremely the system of fruits vegetables cold chain is not sound , work environment is discontinued , all of these directly cause fruits vegetable severe losses in the transport process .

  28. 另一方面,使用应力函数建立优化模型,通过对模型参数权重的优化,求出最佳的权重组合,从而保证可视化过程信息损失达到最小。

    On the other hand , an optimization model is established using stress function , and the best weight combination can be got through optimizing the model parameters . Both improvements can help minimizing the information loss in visualization process .

  29. 统计资料显示,我国每年粮食总产量都高达5亿多吨,但是,只有80%的粮食能够被充分利用,另外20%的粮食由于储存不当而在储存过程中损失。

    Statistics show that grain output in China is up to more than 500 million tons annually , but only 80 % of the grains can be used as food material . 20 % of the grains were lost in the storage process due to the improper storage .

  30. 由于再加工过程中会损失近3%的金属,我们每年得多做10罐。

    Since almost 3 % of the metal is lost during reprocessing , we 'd have to make an extra 10 cans each year .