
  • 网络over-cultivation
  1. 受矿产资源开发、工业排放、过度耕作等因素的影响,该地区的生态地质环境正在恶化。

    But affected by exploitation of mineral resources , industrial discharge and over-cultivation , the environment is worsening .

  2. 研究表明,这与区域人类活动,诸如矿产资源开发、工业排放、过度耕作等因素密切相关。

    These related to the mineral mine development , industrial discharge and excessive farming .

  3. 这种人口激增已经导致了改国许多地区森林的消失,及对现存农田的过度耕作。

    This explosive growth has led to removal of forests in much of the country , and excessive use of existing farmland .

  4. 在上个世纪30年代,过度耕作以及干旱导致了40万平方公里的优质表层土壤被风刮走,这种恶果既加剧了大萧条,同时也是被大萧条所加剧。

    Over-farming and drought led to400,000 square kilometers of prime top soil blowing away in the wind in the1930s , exacerbating , and exacerbated by , the Great Depression .

  5. 40%的黑人住在拥挤不堪的黑人居住区内,有些居住区地处干旱地区,由于水土流失、过度耕作,人们已不可能靠土地为生。

    Forty per cent of the Africans live in hopelessly overcrowded and , in some cases , drought-stricken reserves , where soil erosion and the overworking of the soil make it impossible for them to live properly off the land .

  6. 过度的耕作、化学品的使用和栖息地的破坏,最终会破坏原本能成为我们的合作伙伴的有机体。

    Excessive cultivation , chemical use and habitat destruction eventually destroy the very organisms that could be our partners .