
  • 网络excess demand
  1. 基于估计过剩需求信息的动态资产分配控制

    Dynamic Asset Allocation Control Based on Estimated Excess Demand

  2. 当这些国家减债的时候,它们提供给其他国家的过剩需求必然下降。

    As they do , the excess demand they provide to the rest of the world must decline .

  3. 而且,净出口增长与过剩需求毫无关系。

    And that rising net export balance has nothing to do with excessive demand .

  4. 你需要的是过剩需求每年加速增长,而且不只是在一个地区发生这种情况。

    You need excess demand to increase at accelerating levels each year , and not just in one region .

  5. 本文基于一种离散时间微结构模型研究金融市场背后隐含的两个变量:过剩需求和流动性。

    We study the hidden excess demand and market liquidity behind financial market based on a discrete time microstructure model .

  6. 的确,这本书关注的是维持就业所需的有效需求不足问题,但他本质上的对称分析,同样适用于过剩需求。

    Yes , it focused on the insufficiency of effective demand to sustain employment but his essentially symmetrical analysis could equally be applied to excess demand .

  7. 基于卡尔曼滤波和极大似然法,提出用进化算法来估计这种市场微结构模型,以得到其最优的结构和市场背后隐含的过剩需求和市场流动性过程。

    An approach to the estimation of the model using evolutionary algorithm is presented to obtain the optimal architecture and the hidden excess demand and market liquidity processes .

  8. 第四,很难相信,亚洲和石油输出国储蓄的飙升是对外界过剩需求的被动反应,而非刻意的选择。

    Fourth , it is hard to believe that the soaring savings in Asia and the oil exporters are passive responses to excess demand from outside , rather than deliberate choices .

  9. 此次ipo对俄铝至关重要,因为整个制铝业正面临产能过剩和需求下滑的困境。

    The IPO is vital for company as it comes at a time when the aluminium industry is suffering from overcapacity and falling demand .

  10. 河南省城镇居民消费结构分析&河南省经济过剩的需求因素分析

    Analysis on Demand Factors of Economic Surplus in Henan

  11. 五是在宏观层面表现为经济过剩和需求不足。

    Fifth , the supply of goods and the shortage of demand have appeared .

  12. 但作为发展中国家,我国产业构成仍存在诸多问题,如产业结构层次较低、结构失衡、供给过剩、需求不足等问题依然突出。

    However , as a large developing country , there are still many problems in industrial structure .

  13. 这在很大程度上可归因于重要的房地产行业投资和建设不断下滑,该行业正遭遇供应过剩和需求乏力。

    That was driven largely by sliding investment and construction in the crucial real estate sector , which is suffering from oversupply and tepid demand .

  14. 报告表示,汽车行业产能过剩、需求走弱是造成今年汽车价格下降的主要原因。

    The report said that the automobile industry excess capacity , causing demand to weaken this year is the main reason for decline in auto prices .

  15. 这种下降是由于生产能力过剩和需求低迷等原因所导致,对经济发展有极大的危害。

    Such a descent in prices has originated from both a productivity surplus and a laxity in demand and has been noticeably impairing the national economic growth .

  16. 另外,尽管供应过剩以及需求疲弱的界限总是很模糊,但此番销量下滑速度之快证明了需求受到巨大冲击。

    In addition , while the line between excess supply and disappointing demand is always blurred , the rapid pace of decline would argue a demand shock .

  17. 从当前来看,我国经济生活中暴露出的突出矛盾是结构失衡,供给过剩、需求不足,产业尚待优化和升级。

    In our country economic life , at present , the exposed prominent contradiction is the structure unbalance , the supply excess , the demand insufficient , the industrial optimization and promotion .

  18. 基于这些影响因素的政策含义,结合治理产能过剩的需求,本文最终得到引导固定资产投资合理流向的政策建议。

    Based on the policy implications of the three factors , combining the analysis and the requirement of governing excess capacity , the author made some policy suggestions on how to lead investment on fixed assets to reasonable directions .

  19. 目前全球钢铁业随着全球经济的衰退陷入低谷,钢材产量严重过剩,需求急剧衷退,钢价走低,国际钢材市场竞争空前激烈。

    With the global economic recession , the world iron and steel industry is now in hot water : serious overproduction of steel , sharp decrease in steel demand , gradual drops in steel price , all these resulting in the fierce competition in international steel market .

  20. 钢铁业是国民经济的支柱产业,当前我国钢铁行业正受到国际金融危机的影响,面临产能过剩、需求不足的冲击,正处于全力以赴渡过难关的关键时期。

    Steel industry is an important pillar industry in national economy , because of the effect of international financial crisis , is undergoing the impact of excess production and deficiency of demand . It is a critical period that steel industry is trying its best to defeat difficulty .

  21. 在目前不完全买方市场条件下供需的不平衡表现为以结构短缺为特征的市场过剩,有效需求不足与有效供给不足共存。

    Currently under the incompletely buyer market term the unequilibrium between supply and demand is effective supply lacking .

  22. 自20世纪30年代以来,生产过剩、有效需求不足已成为市场经济国家始终面临的一个头痛问题。

    Since 1930 's , overproduction and insufficient effective demand has become a hot potato for market economy countries .

  23. 鉴于一些行业产能过剩和未来需求的不确定性,许多公司不愿投资。

    With excess capacity in some industries and future demand uncertain , many companies are reluctant to invest , he said .

  24. 供电企业的营销意识在市场供应过剩、市场需求日趋多元化和电力体制改革的多重压力下逐渐苏醒。

    The marketing consciousness of the power supply enterprise revives gradually under the multiple pressures of pluralism , electric system reform and market demand pluralism .

  25. 毫不奇怪的是,这两个国家最终握有很大一部分垃圾证券,因为它们投资自身过剩储蓄的需求最为迫切。

    It is no surprise that those two countries ended up with large portions of the junk , as they had the greatest need to invest their surplus savings .

  26. 由于市场担心船只供应过剩和全球需求疲软,自5月份以来,最大型船只的租费至少下跌了一半。干散货轮和油轮的船东们面临着利润率的剧减。

    Owners of dry bulk ships and tankers face sharp falls in profitability after rates for the largest ships at least halved since May on fears about ship oversupply and weak global demand .

  27. 本文通过研究认为客车行业目前由于投资过热,生产能力过剩,市场需求减缓,引发行业恶性竞争,民营企业不宜盲目投资;

    By studying , the thesis states that the private enterprises should not make the investment blindly in passenger train industry at present because of overheated investment , overcapacity , decreased market demands and malignant competition .

  28. 这意味着,美国的救市措施必须足够大,不仅要拉动对美国产品的需求,还要拉动对世界其它许多地区过剩产品的需求。

    It means that US rescue efforts need to be big enough not only to raise demand for US output but also to raise demand for the surplus output of much of the rest of the world .

  29. 农业产业、产品结构性过剩,导致有效需求不足、产品价格低迷;

    Unreasonable agricultural production structure leads to the lack of demand of agricultural products and the cheap price of agricultural products ;

  30. 用买方市场、过剩经济、有效需求不足和通货紧缩来概括我国的宏观经济形势都存在一定程度的欠缺。

    Buyer 's market , excess economy , inadequacy of effective demand , and currency deflation are insufficient to generalize Chinese macroeconomic situation .