
  • 网络darren;Daron
  1. 我把它快递给纽约的达伦。

    I couriered it to Darren in New York .

  2. C:哦,嗨,达伦。我正在为明天的红鼻子日音乐会做准备。

    C : Oh , hi , Darren . I 'm just getting ready for the Red Nose Day concert tomorrow .

  3. C:六点左右就好了。D:好的。到时候见。C:好的。谢谢,达伦。

    C : Around six would be great . D : OK.See you then . C : Great . Thanks , Darren .

  4. 达伦后悔射杀了那只鸟。

    Darren repented having shot the bird .

  5. 达伦以惊人的速度驾车。

    Darren drove at a terrific speed .

  6. 来自澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学的达伦•伯克和丹尼尔•苏里科沃斯基做了一项实验,要求志愿者对电脑合成的3D模特各个面部姿态打分。

    Darren Burke and Danielle Sulikowski of the University of Newcastle in Australia asked volunteers to rate computer-generated , 3D models in various facial positions .

  7. CNN记者戴伦·克金为您做更多的报道。达伦·卡根,CNN记�

    Correspondent Darren Cagen has more .

  8. 国际谷物理事会(InternationalGrainsCouncil)驻伦敦的高级经济学家达伦库珀(DarrenCooper)表示:大米在亚洲显然是一种政治性大宗商品。

    Darren Cooper , a senior economist at the International Grains Council in London , said : Rice is obviously a political commodity in Asia .

  9. 性能和方便是31岁的糕点师达伦·刘(DarrenLiu)买智慧型电动机车的两大原因。

    Performance and convenience were the two main reasons Darren Liu , a 31-year-old pastry chef , bought his Smartscooter .

  10. OliverWoo最近的一位客户、在高盛工作的达伦•米尔斯(DarrenMills)选了比较庄重的款式。

    Darren Mills , one of Oliver Woo 's recent clients who works for Goldman Sachs , has opted for a more serious look .

  11. 十月份他俩一起在洛杉矶度过,期间还被拍到,达伦、劳伦斯还和密友一起在Line酒店的Commissary餐厅吃饭。

    They then spent time in Los Angeles in October , where they had an intimate dinner with her close friends at the Commissary restaurant at The Line Hotel .

  12. OrielSecurities经济学家达伦•温德尔(DarrenWinder)说:整体形势依然非常艰难。

    The big picture is this is still very much a slog , said Darren Winder , an economist at Oriel Securities .

  13. 澳大利亚交通部长达伦•切斯特(DarrenChester)透露,来自马来西亚的一个调查小组发现,两块残骸与马航一架波音777(Boeing777)客机的壁板一致。

    An investigation team from Malaysia has found that two pieces of debris are consistent with panels from a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 , according to Darren Chester , Australia 's transport minister .

  14. 时任高盛首要战略投资部门负责人的达伦o科恩曾帮助促成合并,并一直推动各家企业投资Symphony。

    Darren Cohen , then head of principal strategic investments at Goldman Sachs and who helped spark the merger t ê te - à - t ê tes , has been a firebrand within the consortium of investing companies .

  15. CampbellSoup公司的副总裁兼创新与商务拓展事务总经理达伦?塞劳(DarrenSerrao)说,平日里每晚的晚饭“有些像‘土拨鼠日’。你解决了问题,第二天你又要接着考虑它,这加剧了压力”。

    Weeknight dinner is ' a bit like Groundhog Day . You solve for it and then you think about it again the next day . That amplifies the stress , ' says Darren Serrao , vice president and general manager of innovation and business development for Campbell Soup Co.

  16. 福特基金会(FordFoundation)主席达伦茠克(DarrenWalker)最近写道:卡内基的财富“与全世界对食物、住房、教育、基础设施及医疗保健的巨大需求相比只是杯水车薪”(即使以他的名字命名的基金会仍在为此进行努力)。

    Darren Walker , president of the Ford Foundation , wrote recently that Carnegie 's wealth was " a pittance in comparison with the world 's trillions of dollars of needs for food and housing , education , infrastructure and healthcare " ( even if the foundation bearing his name is still making inroads into them ) .

  17. 还有一点:我的名字其实不叫达伦。山。

    One more thing : my name isn 't really Darren Shan .

  18. 当达伦导演问我是否能演芭蕾舞者时,

    When Darren asked me if I could do ballet ,

  19. 达伦,你的表演很出色。

    Hey darren , we really enjoyed your show man .

  20. 最近达伦和一位同事的确这样做了。

    Recently Darren and a colleague did exactly that .

  21. 你可能不知道达伦曾是我的朋友

    You probably didn 't know that Darren was a friend of mine .

  22. 达伦.威尔逊警员在一次对峙中,枪杀了没有武装的18岁的非裔美国人布朗。

    Police officer Darren Wilson shot the unarmed black 18-year-old during a confrontation .

  23. 达伦!我还以为你死了!

    Darren ! I thought you were dead !

  24. 4月份的时候我告诉达伦老师我的想法,然后在5月的时候开始了学习。

    I spoke to Darren in April about the idea and started lessons in May .

  25. 娜塔莉:八年前,达伦和我就计划要拍一部有关芭蕾舞的电影。

    Natalie : Darren and I talked about doing a ballet film eight years ago .

  26. 自从达伦·海托开始藏在他的办公室里,她就忙的不可开交。

    She 's so swamped lately , ever sinceDaren Hightower started hiding in his office .

  27. 谁是你对阵过的对强硬的中场?&达伦,丘利。

    Who 's the toughest midfielder you 've played against ? - Darren , Chorley .

  28. 达伦:上,我希望你能有个好提议。

    Darren : Well actually , I was hoping that you would think of something .

  29. 达伦轻轻地吹了一声口哨。

    Darren gave a low whistle .

  30. 琳恩:一点儿没错,达伦!天气太好了,浪费了真可惜。

    Lynn : You 're so right Darren ! The day is too good to waste .