
  • 网络Profit margin;Marginal Profit Ratio
  1. 我们在制定价格结构时应该考虑到边际利润率。

    We should consider our profit margin when setting our price structure .

  2. 在合理施肥确定边际利润率值〔1〕的基础上,应用数学方法给出一种确定投资风险预测阈值K的方法。

    On the basis of determination of marginal profit rate in rational application of fertilizer , a mathematical model of determing threshold k , of investment risk is established .

  3. 主要包括:(a)以规模农业总产量基于生产前沿面的C-D生产函数定量分析模型为基础,构建了规模农业土地边际利润率的C-D生产函数模型。

    Including : ( 1 ) Based C-D production function quantitative analysis model , build the the land marginal profitability CD production function model .

  4. 3M公司,作为全球500强之一的制造企业,这几年来在中国的投资和发展是引人注目的,加强采购管理及对采购流程的优化也成为了提高3M中国有限公司边际利润率的关键所在。

    3M , as one of the biggest manufacturers in global 500 , during recent years its investment in China is very obvious , to manage and re-engineer the procurement procedure becomes the main issue of obtaining more profit to the company .

  5. 稻麦两熟种植综合效率最优的规模农户的边际土地利润率绝对值最小,设施西甜瓜产业最大。(4)规模农户抽样调查。

    Overall efficiency of wheat and rice planting optimal scale farmers in marginal lands margins absolute minimum , facilities melon industry max.D scale agricultural sample surveys and comparative studies .