
  1. CX公司成立于一九九五年十月,是经外经贸部批准有自主外贸进出口经营权和边境小额贸易经营权的民营股份制企业。

    CX Company was established in October , 1995 , a private-owned international trade enterprise with import & export and Border Trade rights approved by the former MOFTEC .

  2. 未办理出口退税登记证的边境小额贸易企业不得申请退税。

    An enterprise of small-scale border trade without the export refund certificate may not apply for tax refund .

  3. 对海关纳入a类管理的边境小额贸易企业,外经贸主管部门在政策优惠方面予以优先考虑。

    The competent authority of foreign trade and economic relation shall give priority in policy privilege to those enterprises involved in the customs type a management .

  4. 放开边境小额贸易出口项下以人民币或外币现钞进行出口核销的限额控制。

    The control by verification of export collection imposed on RMB banknote or foreign currency banknote under the accounts of small-scaled border trade shall be lifted .

  5. 采取灵活的边境小额贸易出口核销政策,放开以人民币或外币现钞进行出口核销的限制。

    To adopt flexible verification and writing-off polices for small amount of border trade , lift the restrictions on the verification and writing-off form in RMB or foreign cashes .

  6. 本公司以诚信为本,拥有一般贸易、边境小额贸易、边境旅游购物权。针对俄罗斯,东南亚市场。

    The company bases on honesty faith , which has general trade and small-scale border trade , and tourism shopping right at border , aiming at Russia and Southeast Asian markets .

  7. 边境小额贸易减征或者免征关税的范围和办法,由国务院或者国务院授权的机关规定。

    The State Council or the department empowered by the State Council shall also specify the duty reduction or exemption items of small-scale border trade and draw up detailed rules on such reduction or exemption .

  8. 建立和完善边境地区银行结算机制,引导边境小额贸易结算纳入银行结算渠道。

    The mechanism of bank settlement shall be established and improved in the border areas , and the settlement of small-scaled border trade shall be made through such mechanism of bank settlement .

  9. 新中国成立后,边境贸易是从1984年国务院颁布了《边境小额贸易暂行管理办法》以后,才真正活跃起来的。

    After the establishment of New China , the outbound trade became active with the enactment of " A temporary Measure on Small Outbound Trade " .