
  • 网络Full back;fullback;side back
  1. 维冈竞技的边后卫莱顿.贝恩斯希望在这个夏天离开JJB球场。

    Wigan Athletic fullback Leighton Baines is expected to leave the JJB this summer .

  2. WCC曾提出,边后卫趋向于比中卫更向前,以一场比赛的平均位置来看,可以视为边路防守中场。

    As WCC has noted , full-backs tend to be more advanced than their central-defensive counterparts , and in terms of average positioning over a game could be considered wide-defensive-midfielders .

  3. 他们在后面的支持比朴次茅斯的边后卫做得更好。

    They supported from behind far more than Portsmouth 's full-backs .

  4. 对边后卫助攻战术的研究

    The study of full back wing 's tactics of secondary attack

  5. 玩家可以让边后卫箭头到半场以外。

    User can now give full backs arrows beyond half way .

  6. 要成为成功的边后卫的话,你有什么建议?

    What is your advice to become a successful full-back ?

  7. 极度攻击性:长拉线的左右中场,短拉线的边后卫。

    Ultra-Attack : Long farrowed ML / R , Short farrowed FBs .

  8. 当时我刚刚去了边后卫,而他也刚换了边。

    I 'd just gone to full-back and he 'd just switched sides .

  9. 一个边后卫在训练中最重要的是什么?

    What are the training essentials for a full-back ?

  10. 现代足球边后卫打法趋势

    The playing tendency of modern soccer wide defender

  11. 老实说,我对边后卫也不是很满意。

    Also , to be honest . I 'm not satisfied with the full backs .

  12. 这就是为什么我觉得边后卫是足球中最难打的位置。

    That 's why I think it 's one of the most difficult positions in football .

  13. 关注边后卫这一点很有意思,特别是说他们是组织进攻的重要角色。

    The focus on full-backs is particularly interesting , particularly their key role in constructing attacks .

  14. 我并不介意我是打中卫还是边后卫。

    I don 't care if I play as a centre back or as a full back .

  15. 当你很好的对付了一个优秀的边后卫的时候总会刺激你的信心。

    It 's always a boost for your confidence when you do well against a good full-back .

  16. 边后卫的训练

    Training of the Wing Back

  17. 我职业生涯的大部分时间都打的是中卫,但也很喜欢打边后卫。

    I 've played centre-back for the majority of my career , but I also enjoy playing full-back .

  18. 拉斐尔,法比奥和埃弗拉这样的现代边后卫很有观赏性。

    The way in which the modern full-back like Rafael , Fabio and Patrice play is fantastic to watch .

  19. 边路总有接应,边锋和边后卫不断前插,创造机会。

    Width is always an option , with both wingers and full backs constantly getting forward and supporting attacks .

  20. 曼联否认了有关将出售边后卫菲尔。巴兹利给英超球队阿斯顿维拉的报道。

    Manchester United have denied reports that full back Phil Bardsley could be sold to Premiership rivals Aston villa .

  21. 利物浦将为边后卫格伦·约翰逊再次进行身体测试用以准备周日的与博尔顿的比赛。

    Liverpool will give full-back Glen Johnson a fitness test prior to Sunday 's Barclays Premier League trip to Bolton .

  22. 因为对巴西边后卫阿尔维斯的严重犯规,佩佩在65分钟时领到红牌下场。

    Because of serious fouled on DaniAlves , Brazilian left side guard , Pepe got a red card at65 minutes .

  23. 心猿意马的边后卫加布里埃尔。海因策下周将在委员会上与曼联争论。

    Unsettled full-back Gabriel Heinze will take his dispute with Manchester United to a Premier League arbitration panel next week .

  24. 这名边后卫不愿意同拜仁续约,他将在明年夏天重新考虑自己的去向。

    The full back is reluctant to sign a new deal with Bayern and will assess his options next summer .

  25. 如果我能占据一个边后卫的位置,我会选择右后卫,因为我是右脚的。

    If I had to pick one of the full-back positions , I 'd probably choose right-back because I 'm right-footed .

  26. 这一阵型前锋和中场间的距离也非常大,边后卫的助攻几乎成为了进球的唯一方式。

    There is also a notable gap between midfield and attack , and the wing-play is the sole responsibility of the fullbacks .

  27. 弗格森爵士觉得裁判作出了正确的决定,虽然这位边后卫是先碰到球的。

    Sir Alex felt the referee made the correct decision , despite the full-back appearing to make contact with the ball first .

  28. 边后卫是个很重要的位置,也很难打。这就是为什么你必须每天努力训练。

    Full-back is a really important position and a difficult one , which is why you have to train hard every day .

  29. 这名炙手可热的边后卫不得不尽快做出决定,两家俱乐部都有望这个星期促成这笔交易。

    The in-demand full-back now has a decision to make , with both sides keen to tie up a deal this week .

  30. 阿巴特-6.5分:在新的边后卫的角色上服务于全队,在进攻和防守上都有贡献。

    Abate-6.5 : Put himself at the service of the team in a new full-back role and contributed both offensively and defensively .