
shū rù
  • input;entering;entry;import
输入 [shū rù]
  • [import] 从外部送到内部

  • 在谷物短缺时输入小麦

输入[shū rù]
  1. 茶叶是输入英国的商品之一。

    One import that comes into England is tea .

  2. p53核输入功能在鼠双微体2调节的p53蛋白降解和泛素化中的作用

    Nuclear import of p53 in relation to MDM2-mediated degradation and ubiquitination

  3. 这个程序在必要时将提醒你输入数据。

    The program will prompt you to enter data where required .

  4. 她将各项款额都输入了现金出纳机。

    She rang up all the items on the till .

  5. 请核对你的姓名已正确输入。

    Please check that your surname and forenames have been correctly entered .

  6. 第一步,所有地址均输入数据库。

    In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database .

  7. 这个程序可接受大多数文字处理系统输入的信息。

    This program accepts input from most word processors .

  8. 把你的密码数字输入机器。

    Tap your code number into the machine .

  9. 输入了无效信息将显示错误代码。

    An error code will be displayed if any invalid information has been entered .

  10. 把程序输入电脑。

    Load the program into the computer .

  11. 用键盘输入密码。

    Key your password .

  12. 现在输入数据花费的时间少多了。

    A lot less time is now spent entering the data .

  13. 所有这些信息都必须输入计算机。

    All this information had to be input onto the computer .

  14. 血友病患者们因为被输入了受到污染的血液而正在寻求赔偿。

    Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood .

  15. 自动化气象站将风向信息输入计算机。

    An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer .

  16. 邮编将被输入统计员的电脑中。

    Postcodes will be entered into the statisticians ' computers

  17. 在小键盘上输入你的信用卡号。

    Punch your credit card number into the keypad .

  18. 你把东西输入进去,它就会作出反应。

    You type things in , and it responds .

  19. 修改输入的文本,重新运行软件。

    Edit the input text and re-run the software

  20. 艺术品失窃登记处已经将这些艺术品的描述信息输入到计算机里。

    Descriptions of the pieces have been logged on computer by the Art Loss Register

  21. 数据随后被输入电脑。

    The data are then fed into a computer

  22. 行政人员将每个护照号都输入计算机中。

    Officials type each passport number into a computer

  23. 你可以在程序运行期间,逐条输入命令以对程序进行检查。

    You can check your program one command at a time while it 's running .

  24. 警察使用手写笔输入设备在触控式屏幕上写报告。

    The officers use stylus pen-based input devices to write their reports onto touch-sensitive screens .

  25. 每当有婴儿降生,他们就将婴儿的名字输入电脑。

    When a baby is born , they enter that baby 's name into the computer

  26. 你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”。

    You have to type in commands , such as ' help ' and ' print '

  27. 在美国你可以通过电话输入账号办理银行业务。

    You can bank by phone in the USA , punching in account numbers on the phone

  28. 他们已经尽力搜集了数据,并将它们输入了自己的计算机。

    They have gathered the best statistics they can find and run them through their own computers .

  29. 输出每年超过输入。

    Exports yearly exceed imports .

  30. 在大多数机器中,摩擦要消耗功,以致造成输出的功要小于输入的功。

    In most machines friction consumes effort , with the result that less work is got out than is put in .