
  • 网络Software Language;application language
  1. 通过使用XML语言,RDF信息可以非常容易地在使用不同类型操作系统和应用软件语言的计算机上进行交换。

    By using XML , RDF information can easily be exchanged between different types of computers using different types of operating systems and application languages .

  2. 如果你看一下软件语言的发展,很明显,在计算机科学和工程十多年来,机器代码的抽象级别有了很大的提高。

    If you look at the development of software languages , it is obvious that the level of abstraction from machine code has risen considerably over the decades of computer science and engineering .

  3. 而软件语言的执行方式是串行的,这无疑与遗传算法天然的并行性相违背,极大地限制了遗传算法执行的实时性。

    However , the software languages are processed with serial at speed . Undoubtedly , it goes against the natural parallelism of GAs . Thus , the real-time implementation of GAs is restricted greatly .

  4. 应征者心知肚明要有创造力,但那只说明了事物的一个方面,求职者必须满足我们的一套硬指标――从经验年限到相关的软件语言――才能被纳入考虑范围。

    The candidates ' get points for creativity , but it only tells one side of the story . We have a set of hard skills an applicant has to meet ' ranging from years of experience to relevant software languages in order to be considered .

  5. 参数化CAD中常用的软件和语言

    Softwares and Languages often Used in CAD

  6. 在需求分析阶段采用UML软件建模语言。

    Analyze in the demand stage adopts UML software modeling language .

  7. Java编程语言是继C和C++之后的下一种流行的商业软件开发语言,已被广泛的应用于各种开发领域。

    Java is the next popular commercial language after C and C + + , which is used widely in various fields .

  8. 最后,运用流行的面向对象软件开发语言Visualc++6.0实现了该方案的原型系统。

    Last , a prototype system of this scheme is implemented by the very popular object-oriented software development language Visual C + + 6.0 .

  9. UML作为一种目前被广泛应用的面向对象软件建模语言,正好满足了零部件管理系统在设计与开发阶段的需求。

    As the widely used object-oriented modeling language , UML perfectly meets the demand of design and development of the system .

  10. 虽然已经有一些工具可以支持《航天器软件C语言编程规范》的检查,但还不够充分,还存在漏洞,部分规则没有检查出来。

    There are some tools to support the C language programming specification for spacecraft software , but it is not enough . There are loopholes exist . And some rules cannot be checked .

  11. 介绍了在《数字信号处理》课程中使用了科学计算软件MATLAB语言,对传统教学手段的改革与实践,获得了良好的教学效果。

    MATLAB , software of advanced scientific calculation has been in use in the course " Digital Signal Processing " . It has turned to be conducive to teaching .

  12. 本论文的一个特点在于,在理论研究的基础上,应用自由软件R语言把校准估计方法与实际数据的应用结合起来。

    The characteristic of this paper is that on the basis of theory research , using R language and environment to link the approach of calibration estimation and the application of actual data .

  13. 本文的主要研究内容是,在自由软件R语言的基础上,从纵向和横向两个角度对抽样调查中的校准估计量方法做了个比较系统的归纳。

    The primary research on this paper is that on the basis of R language and environment we conclude the approach of calibration estimator in sampling survey from two aspects : the lengthways and the transverse .

  14. 既要支持软件过程语言的要求的特性,又要支持CMM,基于CMM的软件过程定义语言必须把这个一般性和特殊性的要求结合起来。

    A CMM based software process modeling language must integrate the common features of software process languages and the special requirement for supporting CMM into one .

  15. 本文从硬件描述语言(hardwaredescriptionlanguage,HDL)和软件程序语言的相似性出发,给出一个寄存器传输级测试生成方法.首先为Verilog描述的电路建立对应的内部层次模型;

    This paper presents a new technique of RTL test generation based on the similarity of Hardware Description Language ( HDL ) and software program . Firstly , it creates a hierarchical model of Verilog description ;

  16. 面向对象软件建模语言UML以其图形化的表达及对软件设计提供各种各样的支持而迅速成为软件业界的标准。

    The unified modeling language UML provides users with graphic description environment , along with various kinds of tools to support software development , and rapidly becomes a standard object oriented software modeling language in software industry .

  17. 采用汇编语言与C语言相结合的软件开发语言,以CCS软件为平台,利用模块化的设计思想,在明确各个模块实现的原理和方法的基础上对数字量采集模块进行软件设计。

    Combining with assembly language and C language , use of CCS software platform and modular design , I did the software design for the digital signal collecting module based on the clear principles and method for each module .

  18. 同时介绍一种通用逻辑设计软件&CUPL语言.文中着重介绍了八位二进制可逆同步计数器的功能特点及其用GAL设计的方法。

    Then the method of using GAL to design the eight bit binary reversible synchronous counter and a kind of logic design software & CUPL language are also introduced .

  19. 在各种软件开发语言中,Java一次编译,随处运行的特点,极大降低了跨平台软件开发的复杂度,缩短了开发时间,降低了开发成本,使其在嵌入式软件开发中具有先天的优势。

    In various software development language , those characteristics of the language of Java " write once , run anywhere " decreased complications of the cross-platform software development , shorten the development time , reduced the development cost . Java has the inborn advantage in development of embedded software .

  20. 企业设计会计电算化软件的语言选择

    The Language Selection of Enterprises ' designing the computerized Accounting Software

  21. 电子战信息分析系统软件的语言选取

    Language selection of software for information analysis system of EW

  22. 两种通信软件描述语言间一致性检验的定义及分析

    The Definition and Analysis of Consistence Check between Two Telecommunication Software Description Languages

  23. 基于虚拟机技术监控组态软件脚本语言的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Supervisory Configuration Software Script Language Based on Virtual Machine Technology

  24. 软件图语言的若干问题研究

    On some issues of software graph languages

  25. 实现软件多语言用户界面方法之分析

    Analyzing Techniques for Implementing Multilingual User Interface

  26. 对每个模块进行详细的方案设计。最后,使用软件编程语言实现每个功能模块。

    Lastly , software programming language is utilized to achieve the function of each module .

  27. 大多数的早期软件建模语言被非正式地定义,并很少注重它的精确性。

    Most early software modeling languages were defined informally , with little attention paid to precision .

  28. 软件图语言的形式描述

    Formal description of software graph languages

  29. 要尽量地支持软件过程语言的特性,还需要很多工作要做。

    Still , we have much work to do to support software process language features as much as more .

  30. 利用开源的统计机器翻译软件对语言模型和翻译模型进行训练,并使用本文设计的解码器进行解码。

    We use the open-source statistical machine translation software to train the language model and translation model , and the decoder to decode .