
  1. 个人知识:教育实现转识成智的关键

    Individual Knowledge : the Key to Transforming Knowledge into Intelligence

  2. 个人知识是教育实现转识成智的操作概念。

    Individual knowledge is an operational concept of transforming knowledge into intelligence .

  3. 铺架马克思主义哲学教学转识成智的桥梁解读知识协调

    Turning Knowledge into Wisdom in Marxism Philosophy Teaching

  4. 所谓“转识成智”就是由知识到智慧的飞跃。

    " Turning knowledge into wisdom " is the leap from knowledge to wisdom .

  5. 转识成智与理性直觉&冯契智慧学说述评

    Transforming Knowledge into Wisdom and Rational Intuition ── On Feng Qi ' Theory of Wisdom

  6. 第二,通过转识成智和改善思维两个方面生成教育智慧。

    Second , education wisdom is created with knowledge transferred to wisdom and thought amended .

  7. 转识成智的现代意义在于化知识为能力和德性。

    The modern meaning of " changing knowledge to wisdom " is changing knowledge to capability and dharma .

  8. 第二,冯契在培养自由德性的途径这个问题上提出了理性直觉与辩证综合、德性自证相统一的转识成智的思路。

    Secondly , Feng Qi freely cultivate virtue to put forward a rational and intuitive dialectical synthesis , self-unity of virtue .

  9. 教师需要改变传统的知识者角色,通过转识成智,成长为智慧型教师。

    Teachers should convert their traditional roles as an initiator of knowledge , turn knowledge to wisdom and grow up to a smart teacher .

  10. 所以,为了消解道德悖论,就必须转识成智,对于道德行为做到“以道观之”。

    In order to clear up moral paradoxes , we should leap from knowledge to wisdom ; observe moral acts from " Tao " .

  11. 受过良好教育的人决不是那种仅仅占有了许多书本知识的人,而是能够转识成智(即能够将知识转化为智慧)的人。

    A well-educated man should be a person who could transform knowledge into wisdom rather than a person who is simply good at book learning .

  12. “转识成智”:创新人才的培养何以可能?(下)&教育变人力资源大国为人力资本强国

    Transferring Knowledge into Wisdom : How can we Cultivate Innovative Talents ( Part Two ) & Changing a Large Country of Human Resources into a Powerful Country of Human Capital by way of Education