
  • 网络orientation polarization
  1. 皮革材料偶极子转向极化的理论研究

    Theoretic study on orientation polarization of electric dipoles about leather

  2. 在大气中,纳米金红石TiO2的介电损耗以极化损耗(电偶极矩转向极化和离子弛豫极化)为主,而在真空中则以电导损耗为主。

    In air , ion relaxation polarization strongly affects the dielectric loss , whereas in vacuum , the dielectric loss depends heavily on electric conductance .

  3. 摘要铁电材料的极化机制包括:位移极化,转向极化。

    The polarization mechanism of ferroelectric materials includes displacement polarization and turning-direction polarization .

  4. Ⅲ和Ⅳ分子内相互作用强烈,其极化过程属于弹性转向极化。

    It is concluded that the polarization of the ⅲ and especially IV is strongly controlled by intramolecular interaction .

  5. 一维氧化锌(长棒状、多针状、纤维网络状)较球形氧化锌具有更强烈的转向极化衰减、界面电荷极化衰减以及电导损耗。

    One dimensional zinc oxide ( long rod , needle , fiber network ) have a strong attenuation of steering polarization , interface polarization and electric conduction .

  6. 在美国主导的国际秩序转向多极化之际,自西向东的实力转移是显而易见的。

    The shift of power from west to East , as the US-dominated international order becomes multipolar , is evident .