
chē tiē
  • car sticker
车贴[chē tiē]
  1. 几辆车贴着我开过去。

    A few cars passed close by me

  2. 并且瓦伦特墙贴公司开发出笔记本贴,开关贴和车贴,更能给您的生活带来与众不同。

    And Valente wall stickers has developed a notebook stickers , stickers and car stickers switch , more to your life different .

  3. 这项针对2000名司机的调查还发现,也有46%的驾驶者认为这种车贴会造成风险,33%认为这样很俗气。

    The poll of 2,000 drivers also found that 46 percent of drivers regard them as a hazard and 33 percent say they are tacky .

  4. 在每20位驾驶人员中就有一位表示,车贴和娱乐设备会导致发生交通事故。英国有3700万驾驶者,按照这一比例计算,持有这种观点的高达185万人。

    One in 20 motorists says stickers and playtime paraphernalia are to blame for a collision - equivalent to 1.85 million of Britain 's 37 million drivers .

  5. 这些“恐怖车贴”上面画的很多都是脸色苍白、黑长头发、表情凶恶的年轻人,只有当后车开启远光灯的时候这些图片才会显现出来。

    The reflective transfers , many of which feature pale youngsters with dark , long hair and menacing expressions , only appear when the person behind employs their full beams .

  6. 比价网站Confused.com开展的一项调查发现,37%的父母使用了车贴,其中4/5相信这能使行驶更安全。

    A OnePoll survey commissioned by price comparison website Confused.com found that 37 per cent of parents have displayed signs and four out of five of them believe they improve safety .

  7. 该机构的副主管朱莉-汤森说,在发生交通事故时,车里有孩子的车贴对提醒应急服务人员事故中可能有孩子受伤来说非常有用。

    Deputy chief executive Julie Townsend said ' Baby On Board ' signs are useful in alerting the emergency services that a child may be involved in the event of a crash .

  8. 该机构的副主管朱莉-汤森说,在发生交通事故时,“车里有孩子“的车贴对提醒应急服务人员事故中可能有孩子受伤来说非常有用。

    Deputy chief executive Julie Townsend said ' Baby On Board " signs are useful in alerting the emergency services that a child may be involved in the event of a crash .

  9. 最新研究表明,英国有大约200万名司机曾因车贴和儿童玩具发生过交通事故。这些写有“车里有孩子”等字样的车贴和玩具会模糊他们的视线。

    Nearly two million drivers in the UK have had accidents due to ' Baby On Board " signs and children 's toys that obscure their view , according to alarming new research .

  10. 然而,执法部门却对司机们使用恐怖车贴的做法不以为然,对他们处以了罚款200元的惩罚,因为他们担心这种车贴会惊吓到后车的司机,从而可能引发事故。

    However law enforcement have been unimpressed with motorists using the stickers , fining them up to 200 RMB , due to fears that they could scare the person behind and potentially cause an accident .

  11. 但有46%的受访者承认,不管孩子在没在车里,他们都会使用车贴,还有15%承认自己这样做只是因为新奇有趣。

    But 46 per cent admit doing so at all times - regardless of whether or not their child is in the car - and 15 per cent confess they only have them for their novelty value .

  12. 通过研究修辞格在车贴语中的具体运用,以及研究车贴语修辞格和相关语用原则的完美结合,进而分析车贴语带来的一系列作用和影响。

    Specifically , through the study of rhetoric in the car-in the specific application , as wellas the study of car stickers-Rhetoric and pragmatic principles of the perfect combination , and analysis of car stickers-brings a series of action and effect .

  13. 其中,最受欢迎的是调侃型车贴,如“别追我,我不是美女”、“人老眼花,反应不快”,轻松搞笑的同时也能让人释怀。

    The most popular stickers are those with humor , such as " Don 't chase me , I 'm not a beauty " and " Old , dazzled and slow to react " . The funny words can also calm people 's road rage .