- railway wagon;railway carriage;freight car

[railway wagon] 火车机车以外的每一节车厢(多指货车)
But Fu Xue , of the Dandong Tianda international freight and forwarding company , said there had been delays in the return of wagons but that North Korea had asked for permission from China .
China suspended key rail freight services into North Korea last week after 1,800 wagons carrying food aid and tradeable goods crossed into Kim Jong-il 's hermit state but were never returned .
ReliefWeb , a United Nations website for aid agencies , reported that the delivery of food stocks into North Korea had been " critically affected by the cessation of movement of railway wagons from China " .
Old fashioned locomotive emitting steam , locked onto empty cars .
Railroad cars sitting on dock , loaded with timber .
All girders shipped by rail were arranged on a flatbed rail car .
Old fashioned locomotive and loaded cars standing on dock , emitting steam .
And if it ever does , I 'm on the wagon for life .
The criterion of ordering wagons and the reasonable capacity of ground bunker in mine
So far we count eight boxcars .
It has one passenger car , or you can ride for free in the coal trucks .
The first is the all-new sintergrip xrac series sintered factory race pads that are remarkably street friendly .
At the same time , a severe shortage of railway wagons has been hurting Russian coal output , pushing up European coal prices .
Very sensitive to the community , " freight cargo plan approval " issue has been solved from the source , creating many social benefits .
The main function of locomotive monitor was to measure speed , speed alarm and upload locomotive speed , number and wagon to monitor RACES .
Absconding with Chinese wagons would be a strange move for North Korea because Beijing is Pyongyang 's closest political ally and biggest provider of food , goods and oil .
Chinese steel consumption has been bolstered for years by the boom in demand for the refrigerators , supermarkets , train wagons and greenhouses that now allow Beijingers to enjoy green vegetables all winter long .
A large number of small and medium timber wholesalers gather in the port , purchase logs , and then ship back to their own wood plant . For the difference of trains ' loading capacity , in the process of transferring vehicles , it is likely to cause surplus .