
chē zi
  • vehicle;bicycle;small vehicle
车子 [chē zi]
  • (1) [vehicle]∶古称驾车的人,现通称车辆为车子

  • (2) [bicycle] 〈方〉∶自行车

车子[chē zi]
  1. 我叫人擦了车子。

    I make man wiping the small vehicle .

  2. 我考驾照时车子熄了三次火。

    I stalled the car three times during my driving test .

  3. 你的车子还不适合上马路!

    Your car isn 't fit to be on the road !

  4. 她踩下油门,车子呼啸而去。

    She put her foot down and the car roared away .

  5. 真该死!车子就是发动不了。

    Oh blast ! The car won 't start .

  6. 他们这辆车的要价很高,但考虑到车子很新,还是可以接受的。

    They were asking a lot for the car , but fair dinkum considering how new it is .

  7. 他稳住车子,直到它又朝前开去。

    He controlled the car until it was pointing forwards again .

  8. 发动机过热,车子不好操纵。

    The engine was overheating and the car was not handling well

  9. 我心事重重地向车子走去。

    I walked on in a reflective mood to the car

  10. 车子成了一堆扭曲的金属。

    The car was left a mess of twisted metal .

  11. 你得把车子和旁边的车停齐。

    You have to line the car up with the ones beside you

  12. 我匆忙装好食品篮,吃力地把它拎上车子。

    I hastily packed the hamper and lugged it to the car .

  13. 他觉得她在雪天里认不出他的车子。

    He did not think she could recognize his car in the snow

  14. 他们使劲拽开后座车门,跳进了她的车子。

    They wrenched open the passenger doors and jumped into her car .

  15. 车子飞驶过一个坑洼时,她身子猛地向前一倾。

    As the car sped over a pothole she lurched forward

  16. 他是不是拿过车钥匙,开着她的车子玩儿?

    Had he taken the keys and played around with her car ?

  17. 她对车子本身没有进行半点养护。

    She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself

  18. 卡特利特开车,我坐在车子后面。

    Catlett got behind the wheel and I sat in back

  19. 他独自哼着曲子打开了车子的后备箱。

    He hummed to himself as he opened the trunk .

  20. 当拖绳从车子上脱落时发生了事故。

    There was an accident when the towrope detached from the car .

  21. 她想象着他噔噔噔地走向车子,一副自以为是的模样。

    She visualized him stomping to his car , the picture of self-righteousness

  22. 我试图发动车子的时候我们互相打趣了几句。

    We bantered a bit while I tried to get the car started .

  23. 车子底盘的3块隔热板已经脱落了。

    Three insulating panels had come adrift from the base of the vehicle .

  24. 发动机轰鸣着,车子猛然冲出去。

    The engine roared , and the vehicle leapt forward

  25. 车子一下子起火了,她设法从里面爬了出来。

    She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames .

  26. 车子冲出倾斜的赛道,穿过了一道护栏。

    The car took off from the banked track and went through a fence .

  27. 尽管车子很大很重,但它一点都不难开。

    Despite the vehicle 's size and weight it is not difficult to drive .

  28. 我们挤进我的车子,然后出发了。

    We crammed into my car and set off

  29. 车子在弯道处失去控制,一头扎下堤岸。

    The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment .

  30. 我们打开了车子的引擎盖,他开始仔细查看发动机。

    We opened up the car bonnet and he started poking around in my engine .