
  1. 同时使用身体语言来沟通,坐立姿势要挺直,保持眼神交流。

    Use your body to communicate , too ; stand or sit up tall and maintain eye contact .

  2. 她说,这将提高你的身体语言和沟通能力,减少暴露出你焦虑的神经紧张感。

    She said that this will improve your body language and communication and reduce the number of nervous tics that reveal your anxieties .

  3. 身体语言在沟通交流中是非常关键的一部分,你的身体语言甚至可以使你的话偏离本意。

    That 's why body language is such a crucial part of communicating . The way you act can warp the entire meaning of what you 're saying .