
shēn tǐ xùn liàn
  • physical training;physical conditioning;body building
  1. 专门的饮食和独特的身体训练方法开始流行起来。

    Special diets and new innovated kinds of physical conditioning became popular .

  2. 对百米运动员身体训练过程实施控制,能为判定训练计划提供客观依据,有利于及时调控训练过程。

    The control of the process of 100m runners ' physical conditioning can offer an objective basis to work out training programs and be helpful to the adjustment of training process in time .

  3. 400M运动员姜波身体训练水平的检查与评定

    Evaluation on Physical Training Level of 400m Runner JIANG Bo

  4. 我们在西方,主要透过知名的卷麻卷似的身体训练而认识瑜伽,但那只是瑜伽哲学的一支,叫哈达瑜伽(HathaYoga)。

    In the West , we 've mainly come to know Yoga through its now-famous pretzel-like exercises for the body , but this is only Hatha Yoga , one limb of the philosophy .

  5. 篮球运动员的供能特点与身体训练

    The characteristics of energy supply and physical training of Basketball Athletes

  6. 武术套路运动员身体训练控制方法的研究

    Study on control method of Wushu routine athletes ' body training

  7. 身体训练效果量化评定方法

    Researches on the method of appraising the effect of body-training quantificationally

  8. 优秀男子链球运动员技术与身体训练的方法

    Methods of Techniques and Fitness Training for Elite Male Hammer Throwers

  9. 我很努力的进行身体训练。

    I have worked hard on my fitness , so hard .

  10. 游泳创伤多以急转慢和慢性损伤为主,主要发生在专项和身体训练中。

    The injuries occurred mainly in special training and body exercise .

  11. 浅谈高校排球训练中的身体训练

    Physical Training in the Volleyball Training of Colleges and Universities

  12. 篮球运动身体训练若干原则研究

    Research on Several Principles of Physical Training in Basketball Movement

  13. 加强身体训练提高足球运动技术水平

    Enhancing the Body Training to Improve the Technical Skills of Football Players

  14. 8545%的膝、踝部损伤发生在身体训练和专项辅助训练中。

    85.45 % of injuries occurred in athletic stamina training and auxiliary exercise .

  15. 投掷运动员身体训练水平与专项技术训练水平匹配发展的理论

    Theory of Matchable Development of Throwers ' Physical and Specific Technical Training Level

  16. 浅谈少年田径运动员的全面身体训练

    On the Overall Physical Training of the Juvenile Athletes

  17. 浅谈身体训练与射击运动

    Talking about the Physical Training and the Shooting Sports

  18. 试论田径运动员身体训练的结构和特征

    On Structure and Characteristic or Athletes ' Physical Training

  19. 散打运动员身体训练方法技术化调控的研究

    Research on the Technological Adjustment of Body Training for Sanda Athlete Body Arts

  20. 身体训练将强化你们软弱的思想。

    Physical training will restore your weakened mind .

  21. 我想在今年夏天做些身体训练,步伐移动之类的。

    I want to work this summer on conditioning , post moves , anything .

  22. 竞技健美操剪式变身跳转体180°动作身体训练的研究

    A Study of Physical Training of Scissors Leap 1 / 2 Turning in Aerobics

  23. 运动量&身体训练的基础

    The Basis of Physical Training & Training Load

  24. 浅谈青少年业余篮球队的身体训练

    A Brief Comment on the Physical Training for the Juvenile Spare Time Basketball Teams

  25. 制定身体训练计划的生化原则

    Biochemical principles in formulating body training plan

  26. 论述了篮球裁判员进行身体训练、提高身体素质的必要性;

    The necessity of physical training and enhancing physical quality for basketball referee are discussed .

  27. 青少年篮球运动员身体训练

    The Body Training for Youngster Basketball Players

  28. 对高校羽毛球运动员身体训练现状的调查及对策研究

    Train inquisition and counterplan researches of the present condition to the high school badminton athlete body

  29. 本文对高校业余跳高运动员身体训练方法进行了探讨。

    In this paper method of body training to Institutions amateur high jumper has been discussed .

  30. 篮球裁判员的身体训练

    Physical training of basketball referee