
  • 网络physical dependence;physiological dependence;physicaldependence
  1. 目的观察5HT3受体特异性拮抗剂奥丹西隆(ondansetron,Ond)对吗啡身体依赖性的影响。

    AIM To investigate the effects of ondansetron , a selective 5 Hydroxytryptamine 3 ( 5 HT 3 ) receptor antagonist , on morphine physical dependence .

  2. 调查内容包括药物滥用史,Bup一般使用情况和药物依赖性评价等。Bup的身体依赖性采用30项阿片戒断症状量表(OWS)评价。

    Physical dependence of buprenorphine was assessed using 30 items opiate withdrawal scale ( OWS ), which composed of 30 symptoms / signs .

  3. 用吗啡对A、B、C3家实验动物繁育生产专业单位KM小鼠进行镇痛、耐受性和身体依赖性的比较实验。

    The analgesia , tolerance and dependence of morphine were studied in KM mice from three different laboratory animal breeding organizations A , B and C.

  4. 方法:连续递增sc吗啡(morphine,Mor),建立大鼠、小鼠及豚鼠吗啡身体依赖性模型;

    Methods : Morphine-dependent animal models , including mice , rats and guinea pigs , were set up by continuous subcutaneous administration of morphine .

  5. 吗啡身体依赖性豚鼠ipSIN(87.0和8.7mg·kg-1)后,其离体回肠经纳洛酮催促诱发的戒断性收缩幅值显著降低。

    The intraperitoneal administration of SIN ( 87.0 and 8.7 mg · kg - 1 ) reduced naloxone-precipitated contractures in ileum from morphine-dependent guinea pigs .

  6. 用小鼠跳跃反应试验、小鼠竖尾反应实验观察EOAD的身体依赖性,并用热板法考察其耐受性;采用程控自主活动箱观察EOAD对小鼠自主活动的影响。

    Meanwhile , the physical dependence and tolerance , free movement of mice were examined by jumping , tail-erecting , hot-plate method and with programme-controlled box .

  7. 目的:评价阿片类镇痛药盐酸替利定的身体依赖性和精神依赖性潜力。

    Objective : To evaluate the dependence-producing potential of tilidine hydrochloride .

  8. 丹参提取物对小鼠吗啡身体依赖性的影响

    Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza extracts on morphine physical dependence in mice

  9. 夏天无总生物碱的身体依赖性实验研究

    Studies on the Physical Dependence of Xiatianwu Total Alkaloid in Mice BODY INVADERS

  10. 褪黑素减弱小鼠对吗啡的精神和身体依赖性

    Melatonin attenuated the dependence to morphine in mice

  11. 苦杏仁甙的镇痛作用和无身体依赖性

    Analgesic Effect and No Physical Dependence of Amygdalin

  12. 目的:评价盐酸氢吗啡酮产生身体依赖性的潜力。

    Objective : To evaluate whether hydromorphine produces physical dependence in mice and rats .

  13. 盐酸二氢埃托啡身体依赖性潜力的临床评价

    Clinical assessment of physical dependence potential of

  14. 目的··:观察甲氧氯普胺对吗啡身体依赖性的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of metoclopramide ( Meto ) on morphine physical dependence in mice .

  15. 结果表明:1.二氢埃托啡连续静脉滴注有身体依赖性;

    The results demonstrated that : 1.continuous intravenous infusion of DHE had the capability of producing physical dependence ;

  16. 目的:观察青藤碱是否具有身体依赖性及精神依赖性,评价其安全性。

    Objective : To investigate the physical and psychological dependences-the ability of producing addiction of sinomenine and evaluate its drug safety .

  17. 在连续静脉滴注条件下进一步探讨了二氢埃托啡的身体依赖性,并与吗啡进行了比较。

    Physical dependence of dihydroetorphine ( DHE ) was further explored and compared with that of morphine in the condition of continuous intravenous infusion in rats .

  18. 结论两组吗啡疫苗均可诱导机体产生特异性抗吗啡抗体,该抗体能够部分中和体内的吗啡,阻止吗啡吸收入脑,缓解吗啡产生的身体依赖性,对抗吗啡的戒断作用及镇痛作用。

    Conclusions Both morphine vaccines can elicit a high-titer antibody response and block the morphine to enter the brain and weaken the effects of morphine on CNS .

  19. 在低于形成身体依赖性的阈下剂量,大白鼠经过一定的训练后能形成主动的觅药行为。

    Through several days ' training , the rats learned to press lever and drug - seeking behavior was established even under the sub-threshold dose of physical dependence .

  20. 采用小鼠跳跃反应及竖尾反应试验评价夏天无总生物碱的身体依赖性,观察夏天无总生物碱的身体依赖性。

    To observe the physical dependence of Xiatianwu total alkaloid , the test of jumping response and Straub s tail reaction were used to evaluate the physical dependence of Xiatianwu total alkaloid .