
tiào ɡāo zhě
  • high jumper
  1. 它们这三位著名的跳高者就在一个房间里集合起来。

    And there the three famous jumpers were met together in the room .

  2. 跳高者有一次,跳蚤、蚱蜢和跳鹅①想要知道它们之中谁跳得最高。

    THE LEAP-FROG A Flea , a Grasshopper , and a Leap-frog once wanted to see which could jump highest ;

  3. 它们把所有的人和任何愿意来的人都请来参观这个伟大的场面。它们这三位著名的跳高者就在一个房间里集合起来。

    Three famous jumpers were they , as everyone would say , when they all met together in the room .

  4. 跳高运动是受虐者的项目&它总是以失败告终。

    The high jump is a masochist 's event-it always ends in failure .