
tiào zhá
  • tripping operation
跳闸 [tiào zhá]
  • [trip] 机械跳闸的动作(如弹簧控制阀开启)

跳闸[tiào zhá]
  1. UPS直流电源故障导致机组跳闸的事故分析

    Fault Analysis on Power Unit Trip Caused by Failure of UPS DC Power Supply

  2. 给水泵跳闸时触发RB与人工处理方法的探析

    The Analysis of Steam Feed Pump Trip Induce RB & Handle Strategy

  3. 用PLC冗余控制和通道实现设备跳闸控制具有很高的可靠性。

    The author proposed that high reliability is obtained by redundant controller with redundant input / outaput channels .

  4. Fuji变频调速器起动跳闸问题的解决

    Solutions to the Trip Problem of Fuji Transducer Start

  5. 比较详细地介绍了Fuji变频调速器起动过程中跳闸问题的解决过程。

    This paper introduces the solutions to the trip problem in the usage of Fuji transducer .

  6. 通过对江陵换流站交流滤波器开关跳闸故障原因的分析,发现GIS组合电器存在的重大隐患,提出了初步解决办法。

    Through the cause analysis on the trip fault of AC filter breaker of Jiangling Converter Station , the hidden risk in GIS equipment was discovered . The tentative resolving measure was raised .

  7. TRT机组失磁保护动作机组跳闸原因及解决措施

    Unit Trip Cause of Excitation Losing Protection Action of TRT Generating Unit and Solving Measures

  8. MZ变主变跳闸事件的故障分析与故障点查找

    Fault analysis and fault localization of the main transformer trip event in MZ transformer station

  9. 介绍了大型单轴燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组分散控制系统(DCS)的硬件配置和软件功能,阐述了联合循环机组的顺序启停和跳闸保护。

    The paper introduced the characteristics of DCS system for large single shaft gas-steam combined cycle units , which is designed to meet the demand of Mark ⅵ control system .

  10. 500kV输电线路风偏跳闸的分析研究

    Study on Trip Caused by Windage Yaw of 500 kV Transmission Line

  11. 安徽500kV线路雷击跳闸原因分析

    Analysis of Lightning Stroke Tripping on 500 kV Transmission Lines

  12. 500kV变电站开关无故障跳闸事故分析

    Research of non-fault trip accident in 500 kV substation

  13. 东北电网500kV输电线路雷击跳闸原因分析

    Analysis on Lightning Stroke Tripping on 500 kV Transmission Lines of Northeast Grid

  14. 一起500kV变压器跳闸事件的分析及思考

    Analysis and thinking on 500 kV transformer tripping incident

  15. 绕击是造成湖北区域500kV线路雷击跳闸的主要原因

    Main Reasons for Lightning Strike Tripping on the 500 kV Line in Hubei Province

  16. 大型机组FSS系统及手动MFT跳闸逻辑设计&DCS系统故障的安全保护设计之一

    MFT 's Logical Design of FSS in Great Power Plant & a Design of Protection to be Safety in DCS Failure

  17. 220kV雨田变1主变跳闸事故分析

    Analysis of the accident of # 1 transformer tripping in Yutian 220 kV substation

  18. 降低220kV山区线路雷击跳闸率

    Decrease of Lightning Stroke Trip Rate of 220 kV Transmission Lines in Mountain Area

  19. 给粉机变频器跳闸引发锅炉MFT动作原因分析及对策

    Reason analysis and its countermeasures of boiler main fuel trip caused by frequency converter trip of pulverized coal feeder

  20. OPGW雷击断股的机理及对策架空绝缘导线雷击断线和雷击跳闸的防治


  21. 一起保安段失电引起600MW机组跳闸引发的思考

    Thinking Enlightened from a Trip on 600 MW Generating Set Caused by Outage of Safeguard Section

  22. 220kV新杭Ⅰ回线1961~1994年雷击闪络跳闸分析

    Analysis of lightning trip out of a 220 kV transmission line from 1961 to 1994

  23. 东莞220kV立新站和跃立站主变压器跳闸分析

    Analysis of main transformer trip-out in 220 kV Lixin Substation and Yueli Substation of Dongguan

  24. 220kV线路频繁雷击跳闸原因分析及整改措施

    Causes Analysis and Improvement Measures about Frequent Lightning Stroke Trip of 220 kV Transmission Line

  25. 220kV同塔双回输电线路雷击跳闸原因分析

    Analysis on Lightning Stroke Tripping of 220 kV Double Circuit Transmission Lines on the Same Tower

  26. 110kV大新线耐张杆瓷绝缘子串污闪跳闸分析

    Analysis on Flashover Shutdown of Porcelain Insulator of Tension Pole of 10 kV Daxin line

  27. 110kV变电站Ⅱ站电容器跳闸故障分析及解决

    Analysis of capacitor tripping breakdown in station ⅱ of 110 kV substation and its settlement

  28. 揭阳110kV榕城变电站10kV粮食线二次回路曾发生投退直流控制电源小保险时,引起相邻线路开关误跳闸的事故。

    Switching of mini fuses in secondary circuit may occasionally cause miss-trip of switches of multiple adjacent lines .

  29. 山西电网220kV及以上输电线路雷击跳闸分析

    Analysis of Lightning Strike of 220 kV and above Transmission Lines of Shanxi Electric Power Network in 2003

  30. 文章对给水泵跳闸引发的RB过程进行了解析,提出了RB过程中减负荷速率的求解公式及给水泵最大出力的确定方法。

    This paper analyzes the runback process initiated by feed water pump trip , develops an equation for determining the runback rate , and proposes a method to determine feed water pump MCR .